Duels: Error starting the game

I can’t start duels since some days. After clicking the start button I get the error “there was an error starting your game, please wait a few minutes and try again”.
And there is no way to retire.


i have same error. i can play some decks but not all, with 1 or 2 decks i got "there was an error starting your game, please wait a few minutes and try again”.

Got the same error, I was on a 4-0 win streak
Deck looks normal, only thing weird is lightning bolt is repeated and none of the copies shows golden
Tried deleting cache, still stuck

Same problem. I can play mercenaries but not normal Hearthstone. I was able to play 1 game with a warlock deck though, very strange

I have the same issue with this. after creating a deck for duel, there’s a message “there was an error starting your game, please wait a few minutes and try again”, unfortunately i cannot retire my deck because it is my first battle

Same here. Please fix it for me. I paid 1.99 just to encounter this error…


The error, “There was an Error Starting Your Game” can show up for a few different reasons. In order to play Duels, all classes must be unlocked and leveled to 10. Ensure that you have unlocked Demon Hunter and leveled all classes to 10. You can also receive this error while queuing for a game when using an invalid deck. You can solve this problem by deleting the deck then recreating it manually rather than copying a deck code.

If you are still stuck unable to close the run and start over, we recommend to contact our support team Here.

Thank you.

copy your deck then remove the old deck and create a new with the copy you did. Works for me

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