Druid is insane

I am shocked there are not more threads talking about this. This is the strongest I have ever seen Druid. This amount of mana cheating and discounting makes jade druid look balanced from back in the day. Being able to ramp insanely fast and then cheat out huge spells with KT and other ways is hilariously bad balance.


Warrior is worse or equal. Same with paladin.

Lol not even close. Also arenā€™t you the one making threads crying about priest which is not even that strong of a class? I saw your replay, you literally played horribly vs a tempo priest and then posted on forums about it.


You lost the game you. You even posted the link to show it. Leave these forums and let the men speak, thanks.

WOW troll I said it was a testing deck/ new cards and i never seen the deck b4. Just stop. Someone report this guy plz.

You should be IP banned for making new accounts to troll.

Stop de-railing this thread thank you!

I have seen you argue on multiple forums with people. Stop trying to play victim and grow up lmao. I just checked your post history and you literally scroll through threads trolling.


yeah Druid is pretty broken, they can ramp even faster now and of course cheat out minions with rush.

as a Rouge player I canā€™t deal with this board


Is no-one playing token Druid? I really no idea what the wider meta is but it feels pretty broken if you have the right build. Counters the ramp Druid too.

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Druid doesnā€™t have combo-disruption, Priest does.
In Wild, think of something like quest mage, or any combo-deck mid-game.
Priest disrupts their combo, Druid is vulnerable to their combo, regardless or ramp, if they are a class, like priest, with aoe removal heal kazakus zeph and so on.

An anti aggro, combo including, aoe-heavy, small-healing class like priest, now getting anti-combo, way better anti-combo than rat loatheb, not that they cannot be supportive anti-combo, is a big deal. Game changing.

Sounds like the only thing that can stop priest is a very, very fast aggro deck, or mindreader-pulling / blocking combo deck, or a notexistent otk that can be done by turn 3-4, consistently. Like mill rouge beats mindreader priest, but it loses to like all aggro.

Priest Wild w Mindreader is supa op, more than Druid. Mindreader is auto-include in 102 percent of wild priest decks from now on, forever, even if it cost 11 mana itā€™s automatic add then the other 29 cards.

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I started a rant thread last night when I played 5 Druids in my first 5 games last night, but decided not to post. In 4 of those games they had early removal, overgrowth, then guardian animals; I didnā€™t feel like I had a chance.

Iā€™m not sure if druid is too good or not, but it doesnā€™t feel remotely fair when they hit their good hands. Personally, I donā€™t think mana ramp will ever feel balanced. I would rather they rethink mana manipulation. As of now, breath of dreams or overgrowth on curve just feels like an auto-loss a lot of the time.

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This thread escalated faster than a druidā€™s mana ramp.


Yup, I looked at the thread name, thought ā€œyeah, thatā€™s what I thinkā€ā€¦ then saw itā€™s about a slow ramp Druid, while Gibberling can threaten lethal pushes basically from T1. There is literally no ā€œsafe turnā€ against a Gibberling Druid, not a safe window, you could be losing the game right from the start.

Also with Diving Instructor and hard mullingan for either Gibberling or Instructor, you can reasonably expect to have either around T3.

Itā€™s not the first time Druid rulled the meta. Remember Frozen Throne? They remained kings of the hill until Rastakhanā€™s panick nerfs.

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I havenā€™t had too much trouble with druids in general, sure sometimes they super highroll with perfect draw, but that doesnā€™t happen that often. Ripper warrior on the other hand is basically unbeatable, Troublemaker is just so ridiculous, if they pull two of those from a ripper itā€™s just gg.

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When you draw the nuts Breath of Dreams into Overgrowth into Animal Guardians, the deck is really good.

But I still somehow went 2-11 with it in Platinum ranks after only drawing that sequence once, so I either got really unlucky, or the deck is really highrolly.

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Is he really bashing priest in a druid complaint thread?

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To be honest, the 7 mana spell probably doesnā€™t need to give rush. The ability of the stealth cat to draw 2 cards immediately after thinning the deck is very strong.

Iā€™ve tried playing the deck but Iā€™ve had the worst luck drawing all beasts first, no ramp, not a great time lol.

druid is strong and guardian animals will likely get a nerf in some way, but they are far from unbeatable

Big Druid basically draws ramp and auto wins or does not draw ramp and afkā€™s for the first 5 turns. I seriously hate highroll decks like this.

  1. you dont need ramp to win
  2. you dont autowin if you ramp
  3. you rarely afk 5 turns unless you have built your deck terribly