Does Dryscale Deputy Stack?

I guess I could test it out myself but I’m at work right now and maybe someone already knows, but if you either double battlecry dryscale deputy, or play 2 of them in a row, will you get 2 extra copies of the next spell drawn, or only the 1 extra?

It does double the battle cry if you play something that will trigger the battlecry twice.

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So does that mean you get not just one extra copy of the next spell you draw, but two extra copies?

You get one copy of the spell if you play it regularly, You’ll get two copies of the next spell if you had played something that would trigger the battlecry an additional time.

So Bran’s new Legendary could would trigger it twice, if the card was played after that. Just keep in mind though, if you don’t have enough room in your hand, you won’t get it won’t get the extra copy.

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Thanks bro, appreciate :pray:

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