Does anyone not play as much since Weeklies were updated?

While before the weeklies seemed manageable to do now they are just too daunting and it doesn’t seem as possible to do them. I’ve resorted to pretty much ignoring them and not wanting to play standard as much, sticking to battlegrounds instead. While previously they may have been slightly too easy to complete, now it’s just too much.

I also have not been playing much since the quest change. I think I still have two of the new weekly quests unfinished from three weeks ago. For me, I think it’s less the change itself and more what the change made me confront about my mobile gaming habits.

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I do play less but it’s because they ruined the balance with that “player agency” patch.

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I still manage to knock them out, but it definitely requires a mad rush at the end of the week despite having knocked out my dailies all week.

yeah, i still haven’t completed the first win 10 in standard they gave out after the changes. between the ask of playing 2 to 3 times more for %20 more xp, and a total crap meta, i find my desire to play lacking.

I play about the same. But instead of funny and/or meme decks, I just play the most broken/toxic there is in order to get double the wins than previously.

I’ve been watching old Hearthstone videos on youtube, so I’ve been playing more. I even tried out an Arena for the first time in ages. Went 0-2 then decided to retire the deck. I’m definitely going to do another run.