I have recently started playing Hearthstone and still figuring it out.
I was lucky enough to get a golden version of Ini Stormcoil from one of the card packs. The thing is I don’t have any mech deck since I don’t have enough mechs to build a decent one. Right now I mostly play as a Shadow Priest via Darkbishop Benedictus.
Should I disenchant Ini Stormcoil to create Sister Svalna’s card for my SP deck? It feels illegal to disenchant a legendary golden card to me but I don’t even use it. Or should I keep it and wait until I get some good mech cards to build a proper deck? I rarely face mech decks which means they’re not meta right now so I’m in doubt…
There’s really not a single correct answer to your question.
If you want to build one or a few good decks fast, then disenchanting your golden Ini could be a great deal. It gives you 1600 dust, enough to instantly craft another (regular) legendary. Or several lower-rarity cards. And if you ever do want Ini, then if you craft her as a regular, it will cost you 1600, so it is dust-neutral (though of course at the price of downgrading from golden to regular - but that is cosmetics only, no gameplay difference).
On the other hand, if you are more interested in building an ever growing card collection in the long term, then disenchanting cards is usually a bad idea. I myself try to grow my collection as much as possible, without spending money. (I did get a few pre-order bundles gifted, which was a great help, but I never spent my own money on the game). To achieve that, I normally never disenchant cards. Not even extra copies beyond the two (or one legendary) allowed in decks. I only disenchant cards when (a) they have been nerfed and temporarily disenchant for extra dust (especially great when I have extra copies!); or (b) when I really want to play with a certain deck, but I am fully out of dust. And in the latter case, I only disenchant the bare minimum needed to get there.
The result of this policy is that I was extremely limited in my deck choice during the first two years or so of playing, but by now I have a collection and an amount of spare dust that allows me to play most decks I want to play. I just cannot switch decks every day or every week or so; that would burn through my saved dust. But I have no problem crafting the cards to create a few decks I want to play each expansion.
Thank you for your advice! I think I will follow in your footsteps and keep Ini for the better day