Discussion: Is Irondeep Trogg OP?

Is it going to break the game?

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No, because the text reads ‘after’, not ‘whenever’.


"Laughs in 1 mana 2/2s and 2/3s.

If it’s gonna break the game, it’s only gonna break it down to a minion based meta. So I hope it does.

I think it could be very strong in any paladin deck. Maybe warrior priest or druid could come up with something with it

Yes because it’s bugged and blizzard probably didn’t fix yet.

It is acting like It was whenever. It’s hilarious.

It is a 1/2.
You can contest it with any other 1+ drop.
You can clear it with any kind of removal spell.

I fail to see it as breaking the meta.

Is it good? Maybe in some very specific decks, but no better than other 1 drops that see play.

Or autolose on turn 1 because of the bug.

Without a spell answer you probably can’t deal with It on turn 1 that gonna continue to receive buffs and snowball out of Control.

Seriously i Hope they fixed to act as the text or It gonna be a Very tedious day 1 of everyone and my mom hard Mulligan for trogg.

That’s a hyperbole though.

As a simple example, in buff paladin, it’s not like you lose if they open up with a 1/3 even if their deck doesn’t have “spell answers” for it.

You can contest the board with board, you can board clear that will also hit the copy, etc.

It’s bugged and the bug was showcase in stream.
When you cast anything It is copying itself before dying.

Because it’s triggering as when instead of after.

And you’re acting like most minions not have summon sickness.

That thing literally wins games on turn 1 If they not bugfix It before release.

I think this card will be broken mostly for Hunter. If you cant deal with 1/2 turn 1, he buffs it to 3/5 and after to bigger minion and you cant play spells until you deal with it.

Do we know for sure that the card’s code is buggy rather than them putting the wrong text on the card? I recently got a Mercenaries task that still lists an ability that mercenary doesn’t have. The mercenary in question was Scabbs, who was in the game mode at launch. It wouldn’t surprise me if the developers put the wrong text on the card. Maybe the text and effect will line up in a week, or a month.

i dont think it’s buggy in live.

granted the only time i used a spell against it was an aoe, but even then, the aoe resoved first without a second trogg spawning.

That said, i have faced it so far 4 times, even had it ressed against me, and still dont think it’s a problem. and tht was with me playing a mage deck lol.

if paladin gets divine stead on it it snowballs brutally, sure is a highroll thing but for classes that can buff the trogg it seems pretty oppressive in the current state as a 1drop.

the 2 times i faced it was with priest, the other 2 with paladin.
i’m playing a tempo mage deck, and could clear it easily with minions so far.
the only time i had to use a spell was after the priest Rally into it later in the game and i simply aoe-ed down everything, including this.

i havent used a single targt spell against it, but from how the aoe resolved, i dont think it’s bugged in standard atm, correct me if i’m wrong and you have seen it being bugged in live servers.

I don’t know if it’s quite in the broken category, but with a class like Druid, paladin, priest, etc… and a lack of response from the opponent I could see it getting out of hand.

have only faced it once with trogg+coin+1/1divine shield turn 1 and nothing in hand to contest it asap, so i couldn´t kill it at all.

Albeit if it indeed just dies before cloning i guess it´s just solid, still can snowball vs spell dependant early games but i guess that´s the point.

what do you mean +1/1divine shield?
noble mount? That’s 2 cost, so it couldn’t have been t1. with the coin, the earliest it could have been would be t2.

or do you mean augmerchant?

the 1/1 divine shield taunt minion thingy.

ah, thought you were talking about them giving divine shield on the trogg itself. that is harder imo to deal with rather than Protector.

That said, if you dont draw your early stuff, and enemy draws theirs, it’s usually a tough match to begin with regardless of what is their good stuff^^