Discussion about the dark beyond

So alot people feel this expansion was a failure- i disagree on this btw - and ive seen a video complaining about the powerlevel of the dark beyond and i wanted to clarify a few things that alot of people say that i feel at least are not true

The dark beyond for one is not a failure as discover hunter and armor warlock starship
starship rogue libram paladin and i think there is a new reno priest emerging are all decks that can get you to legend and win in legend and they use cards from the dark beyond.

Ceasless expanse meta defining card thats powerfull amazing artwork and its from the new set.

I strongly feel this expansion is not a failure i mean worlds was won with a new deck discover hunter from the new expansion.

The powerlevel is lower on purpose because the devs moving forward want the expansion to be closer to the powerlevel of the dark beyond then then the previous expansions its even in the notes

"Our long-term ambition is for the overall power level of the game to be closer to The Great Dark Beyond than the power level of the sets before it, but we think some buffs are warranted and needed to hit our immediate goal encouraging exploration in The Great Dark Beyond.

My stance on this is i agree with this if feel in any card game you need a power level cap that if you are close to it you reset it wil be good for the overall health of the game

I feel different and they want buffs instead of nerfs however it think this is a step in the right direction it wil take some time but it wil ultimatly be worth it.

What do you guys think do you agree with this disagree im on board with this direction.