Did anyone like this new miniset?

The shaman gained a very strong common card!! The paladin got two good cards!! The mage only got garbage in the form of cards!!

The druid’s legendary is complete rubbish. Can you bear to continue playing this game?? I’m having more fun in the newly arrived YO-GI-OH than in Hearthstone and my Hearthstone collection is huge! Hearthstone’s two modes are bad, I play just to guarantee the chest and then I stop! And you??


I think mage got one annoying card (the buy one card) for spell mage, but not enough to make the class competitive.
The big issue with the class is the Yogg box, for 8 mana you usually get screwed.
Imagine this, Warrior gets a permanent OP buff for the whole game (if Brann will cost 8 as they plan to), while Mage gets to play a one time lotery ticket that can ruin you. Lol Talk about balance.
The whole class is a hit or miss lotery ticket, while Warrior is a clean cut bullseye shooter. Thats the problem.

I would nerf Brann making him neutral and never belong to the warrior class again!! I wanted to see if the Reno warrior would support a Reno shaman using the warrior’s brann?? If Brann were neutral, the shaman, the druid, the mage would destroy the warrior. (I play reno mage and only lose to the shhitty reno warrior! For me, this warrior would go back to being the rubbish class he always was!)

The mage is in last place because everything the mage gained is not other support cards. Example: the mage has a legendary card that reduces all spells in his hand to zero and then when he casts a spell, the cost of these spells increases, but the damn game didn’t give incredible big spells… you can’t have that big legendary spell Discover it either you have it in your deck or you will never use it in the game! Where, did the game give any big spells to the mage recently?? NO !! … The game gives interesting cards but there are no cards that complement these legendary cards!! It’s on purpose, it’s just to make the mage be this rubbish class!!

I have everything mage and druid, in both modes! The Hearthstone class that behaves like the medieval fantasy mage of other media in general is the Druid! The Hearthstone mage is a baby spellcaster.

Nope. Everything uninteresting. And what is interesting looks annoying to face.

The shaman’s common 5-mana spell, for me, is a VERY BROKEN card! I don’t know if the shaman has difficulty generating tokens in standard mode, I’m not playing with the class in standard mode, but if it’s easy it will be a condition for victory on the 7th turn. Just fill the field with tokens and use the common 5 mana spell, it’s so strong that I predict the spell will be nerfed to 7 mana!!

Do you only play mage?? Your vision is too short?! Paladin got 2 good cards and DK all 3 are strong!! What did the mage gain?? With so many classes gaining great cards, do you think the mage will come out of last place in the rankings?

When this miniset is released I will play shaman in standard mode and eat the mage decks in standard mode, with the transformation shaman token deck!! Get ready that mage will cry a lot!! The Druid will be able to generate copies of his minion with more powerful magical damage than Sif, the true hearthstone mage is the Druid!! Get ready that the Druid will dethrone Sif in terms of magical damage!!

The 5 mana spell for shaman is doodoo. Actually most of the classes you named seemed uninteresting to me but I am not good at predictions.

You only play in standard mode and don’t know the aggros in wild mode, if a shaman creates a deck that quickly makes tokens on the field + 5-mana spell. You as a mage will quit the game!! Wait!!

You couldn’t be any more wrong. That 5-mana spell is so unplayable you should be happy if you see it once when released.

I am aware of wild’s aggro and this doesn’t fit in the deck.

I’m mostly feeling meh towards it.

dont know getting to draw 2 ffor 1 mana 3 hp seeems t good(warlock)

5 mana spell is probably the worst of the bunch. Past legendaries have worse stats than currebt legendaries, most effects are battlecries, and you also dont want to buff your opponents minions. You have no control over whether it gives you good minions or your opponent

only reason to play that one is to trnasform warrior zillax