Demons are out of control

and you buffed them …


I didn’t touch 'em, I swear.


I took a break, thought maybe demons are just flavour of the month.

Came back to play a game or two, Demons, demons, demons.

3 people in my lobby playing demons all looking at 20/20 minions on turn 7.

Was it work coming back…nope.

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And 3 of them will realise how little demon there are in the pool/ face each other, drop health and die. Just take the damage from them on mid game and win in the end. I haven’t even touch demons in eons except brann battlemaster.

they get really hard countered by highrolling murlocs with poisonus+divine shield… so I suspect there will be a nerf coming to observer +2/+1 and juggler to 2 damage I suppose… jaraxxus hero power is still a joke… since everyone knows that if you pick jaraxxus you will go demons.

but yeah this demon meta made games more aggresive in general.

Is it right to even try to force demons when you get offered a weaver t1? You just lose if dont find floating t3. I buy weaver when theres nothing much better to buy and pivot if I don’t see floating soon but most 10k+ streamers I watch still avoid buying a single weaver or floating, might be wrong though when demons are so powerful.

Demon not my to go option. I don’t believe in them. They need highrolling. The demon pool is extremely small compared to the rest. There is absolute nothing in T4. No floating watcher and you are dead. No demons and you can’t scale. Lose a unfortunate fight and you can’t buff your board anymore. Drop to 1 health and malganis don’t appear. You can’t do anything. Yes it’s strong but not my type of play. Tech 1 or 2 maexxna sometimes is enough to win the game against them too.

The problem is not them taking 1st place.

The problem is how safe a bet they are from early to mid-game to the start of the late game as compared to almost all other builds.

You can scale 5x faster than your opponents, to whom you are doing little damage to by the way, that is also not a complaint.

Demon gets you close to top 4 a lot more often than other builds that do not scale as fast in the mid-game and thus take large amounts of damage from those players hitting triples and hitting for larger amounts.

I agree on the downsides to playing them, but I disagree that they outweigh the strength of the build in the early/mid game if you just want to grow/protect your MMR.

I have watched a number of streamers attempt to ‘force’ demons, and you are right, ultimately they often failed…at rank 4.

The power of Christ compels you!!

If bliiz make +1 +1 buff for 1 and 3 mana idiots its will be balanced, like crowd favorite. And send 5 mana demon 3-milion to 6 lvl tavern, and make Sneed lvl 5 not 6

they will nerf them eventually by increase demon tiers I can see malganis on 6 or even battlemaster on 6 (I’ve seen battlemasters sitting on 300+ health), watcher on 4.

really glad they toned demons down this last patch instead of giving them 2 new minions :roll_eyes: