Delete Helya immediately

The devs just never learn do they? Yet again they create cards that have infinite value. One card at fatigue that can’t be stopped. No counter play, no avoidance. You just have to sit and watch as you lose 6 health, summon a 2/2 for the opponent and heal them for 2.

Delete the card or provide a counter. There are no other options.


her effect should just be on the cards she generates, not on all plagues shuffled into your deck


doesn’t casting wheel destroy all of the plagues along with it? I thought they only triggered if they were drawn and don’t get reshuffled if destroyed

i just thought maybe his opponent played helya after wheel. i don’t know. sorry i was being hostile and talking out my rear end.

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I mean you could be right I dunno it’s just usually dk’s will push to have her out by turn 4/as soon as possible while wheel usually comes out by turn 8 so I don’t know how often you’ll see something like that, unless he figures out it’s a wheel deck beforehand

The only thing you can do against plagues, is to make your hand full… then the plagues will burn away instead of cast because you can’t draw them into your hand… Or kill the enemy before he put too many plagues into your deck. But yes, it should effect only the 3 plagues which she create and shuffle into the enemies deck… not all of them…

A full hand will burn the cards. Not the best kind of play, but it does counter the plagues.

I mean, you do have some counters.

  • Tony
  • Wheel (But this kinda defeats the point of it)
  • The Mage and Warlock spell that mills 5 cards (Chaos Creation)
  • Warlock has an entire package that mills cards (Fracking, Rin, Waste Remover)

But yes, I will admit these ‘Counters’ are stupid and too specific.
Personally I would just either make Helya a 3 Unholy Rune card or change her effect to ‘All plagues trigger twice when drawn’


hi noob questions:


I didn’t think decks had a hard limit with all the cards out there adding to your deck. i recall an early game where i stopped bothering to mouse over the deck after it hit 51 with an almost full hand. no clue what was played (no hs tracker then) but i sure remember the number.

doesn’t destroying 5 of your deck cards just make room for more cards? or do plagues only go to the bottom of the deck?

basically when i see maw & paw out or helya, i know there is a primus and like a recent game, a double rezka with a yodeler to double trigger deathrattles on 2 razkas lol.

i have to start quitting those games early, and save time and stress. most of the stress is wondering why these uber decks are bottom feeding and getting paired so low. i don’t have the cards or skill to even try.

off topic: do cards that remove minions and locations also work on dormant cards? starting to think i need a cheese card like reno just for “self-defense”

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To answer some questions and points.

  1. The maximum amount of card you can place in a deck at any given time is 60.
  2. Plagues are place in the deck in a random position in the deck, however depending on the position of the match you can destroy 5 safely if you know the majority of the deck is plagues.
  3. Plagues only have a finite amount to add to deck excluding discover sources, so milling can help mitigate them. Like wise if you know all the common plague cards you can tony after they are used since that replaces your deck with a copy of the opponents.
  4. The off topic part - The only method to my knowledge to kill a dormant card is Twisting Nether and Reno in standard. In wild the mage Reno hero that ‘poofs’ thinks is an option as well.
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many thanks for ALL THAT info.

just need to find out what a 'tony" is and if the wheel mentioned in this thread is wheel of death or some other wheel. thanks

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Tony is a 7 mana minion that replaces your deck with your opponents. It also has a finaly of draw a card. It use to swap decks with you opponents, but was nerfed for a potential fires of zin-ashri combo.

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