Deathwing Minion Dies Immediately?


As a mage, I just played a 0 cost Deathwing (gained from Alexstraza) into a field against a priest that had become Galkacrond.

The priest had about 5 high cost minions on the board with no special powers that were relevant that I know of. I had one minion that had already attacked the opposing hero that turn.

When I played Deathwing into the field, it wiped out all of the minions on the board, discarded my hand, and then the deathwing token appeared - then immediately died.

Anyone venture what happened? Is this a bug?


Sounds like one of those creatures was a Convincing Infiltrator or something that copied that deathrattle.
Do you remember what the minions your opponent had were? That would help a lot to figure out what happened.

You nailed it thank you. There were a couple Convincing Infiltrators on the board. Seems odd to me that they put Deathwing on the board first, then wipe everything else, then resolve all the deathrattles. I’m sure that has been discussed and argued. But it last I know how that card works now.


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Was one of the enemy minions Convincing Infiltrator? It’s a 2/6 Taunt with Deathrattle: Destroy a random enemy minion.