D4-D1 Meta Since Patch-Release (07/02/22)

With access to HSReplay, I enjoy being able to share some perspective on the current meta presently. As always, with a rapidly developing meta, takes the numbers below with a grain of salt, because for now, these seem to be the most comprehensive reflection of the current meta (excluding top legend).

I apologize that the image below might be hard to read for some. I minimized the page so as to include the entire meta at D-4 to D1.


(Note, if anyone here has the capability of actually posting pictures, I’d highly appreciate it if you could post this image below for more easily accessibility.)

Lastly, these numbers are not set in stone. Winrates and tier lists change rapidly, especially at times like this. Nevertheless, I wanted to share with you all the present meta. And don’t forget to consider there’s an eb and flow to these numbers across time. What appears to be the meta now, can rapidly change on the dime. Again, take this with a grain of salt. I hope some of you find this educational, and perhaps help in climbing.

Edit: One last input. If you would like me to upload any more metas, feel free to ask and I will gladly link them for you. For instance, if you want to see the top legend meta, do not hesitate to ask. I’ll be here all day, and don’t mind whatsoever.

Thank you; Killimunati.

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