Could we create an Idling penalty in Battleground duos

If the player takes no action for 2 turns, can we kick him so I can save my points.

Some people are just seating in the lobby doing nothing. Sometimes cuz they got upset, sometimes just trolling.

I understand why you don’t want to let one player take over the second board. But this happens every 7 to 10games or so, too often for us not to have some type of safety net.

I have to get like 5 second places to get 75 points, 1 lose to a troll and - 90

Most of this idle player are becouse they get disconnected. I get dcd a lot and i can tell you some constant in the dcd issue. If you get dcd and reconect in the loading bg screen, you can still choose your hero, but if it take too long, you cannot choose your hero and also you get a banner covering taverner and upgrade tavern cost for the entire of the game, you cannot know how gold will cost you upgrade. If you get dcd in the loading screen, your game is 100% going to crash again in a few turns, if this crash happens in turn 2 or 3, there is not enough time to reconect and you cannot play that turn. If the crash happens in middle fight you will get dysincronized with the rope animation and the timer and you suddenly will get your turn finish. If you do not get dcd and reconnect in loading screen you can still get dcd in middle game, but the game is not going to crash. Sometimes when your game crash you will not be able to reconnect and your game is going to crash again before been able to reconnect, if this happens doesnt matter how many tries you make, you will not be able to reconnect, i assume this happens becouse your partner leaves while you tried to reconnect.
Also low gama pc take longer animation, and this get even worse with beast and undead. Teron gor hero power is also a really slow animation, i play a game against a teron gor and incognito, both with reborn undead 1/1 sumon 2 1/1 v/s 1/4 elemental and the entire combat was long enought to skip 2nd turn.
This also happens with beast and reborn undead in late game, specially with thorim tier 7 undead minion. The game is long enought to skip a 13th turn. Even if you dont skip it you will have just 20 second to play your game.
Even in a normal game i can see my partner sending marks while im still watching the fight.
Most of this problem can be solved if blizz add an skip animation option.
Also you will 100% having a failing loading screen if you open a browser like chrome and alt tab hearthstone. If the fight already started you can alt tab and the game will not crash.