Could I play more warriors please?

Blizzard , could you do me a favor and just make every single matchup in ranked against control warrior? I mean it’s already at 95% no matter what deck I play , just make it a clean 100%
I refuse to get to legend , because I’m literally auto quitting ever single game against warriors because it’s literally a waste of my life to play against that stupid deck.


Most control warriors are highlander, you can slow them down by putting a snake oil seller into your deck.

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Better yet fire every single one of the devs and hire new ones that know how to balance a freaking game.

I just played Time Warp Mage in Wild where they used ice block 7 times in one game with 3 hit points left and i sat there for 10 turns as they used multiple time warps. I just quit even though in a balanced game i would have won.


Already it stops with their rigged match because with the x1 card decks, it is obvious that the game is rigged, War brann which always brann turn 6 (when you are on an f2p account).

This company is based on YouTube, it doesn’t read the comments! I’m frustrated Highlander warrior is very strong because they gave an exclusive Brann, in this miniset and no interesting card for mage! I think there are a lot of bots in this game because the people who played mage gave up playing this game!! There is a tendency to stop playing this game!!

Reno, Bran, Odyn warriors are all I see now in diamond. Just had 5 straight matches. I lose about 90% of these matches as Mage. If they can’t reach legend, it just shows anyone can pick up this deck regardless of skill and just face roll their way to at least Diamond.

Except that the meta changes depending on the deck played, the game is rigged, even the exit and drawing of cards is rigged, for example you are on an f2p account all the war odyns that you will meet will all have odyn turn 8 and all the war reno will all have reno turn 6.

This game is a scam that does not follow the law, this game is illegal.

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Did you think about picking another class? xD