Corrupted blood bugged

Presumption: Enemy has only 4 Corrupted blood in his deck and 30 HP.

What I think it should do: The enemy dies in a chain reaction.

What it does do: Chain ends after the 4 cards have been drawn, even though the card should shuffle new corrupted blood cards into the deck.

This is working as intended. The card placed into your deck is first ‘set aside’, then enters your deck when all draws are complete.

This is specifically done to prevent deadly chain reactions from a single Corrupted Blood.


How do you know it’s working as intended?

The card text says otherwise.

I don’t think it does. I played a deck which is made for fatigue play and he only had corrupted blood in his deck, not even mine, I copied them. He should’ve died. It’s very unlikely one corrupted blood could do such reaction, I don’t consider this a problem. Intended plays with this card should be rewarded though, the base card costs enough to expect that. We’re talking about very, very late in the game.

The card says: " Casts when Drawn
Take 3 damage. After you draw, shuffle two copies of this into your deck."
Casts when drawn causes another card to be drawn; this is still considered part of the draw sequence. So the card explicitly tells you that the reshuffled cards can not be drawn yet.

Not really sure what you say here. How did they have CB in their deck only and not in yours? Hakkar shuffles one in each deck?

It is possible to do an insta-kill after shuffling a single CB, but that requires several cards and good setup. The popular version is a Druid deck that wants to have Hakar, Togwaggle, and two times Naturalize in hand and their own deck empty. They play Hakar, next turn they get a single CB and 1 fatigue (3+1 damage) and then their deck is two CBs. At that point they play 8-mana Tagwaggle (swap decks) and two times Naturalize. Each Naturalize makes you draw two cards. If that doesn’t kill you, they pass the turn and you do another draw.

Here’s the math:
1st draw from 1st Naturalize: draw 1 CB, take 1 fatigue (6+1) - shuffle 4 CB.
2nd draw from 2nd Naturalize: draw 4 CB, take 2 fatigue (12+2) - shuffle 8 CB.
1st draw from 1st Naturalize: draw 8 CB, take 3 fatigue (24+3) - shuffle 16 CB.
2nd draw from 2nd Naturalize: draw 16 CB, take 4 fatigue (48+4) - shuffle 32 CB.
Pass turn, normal draw: draw 32 CB, take 5 fatigue (96+5) - shuffle 64 CB.

Total damage of the full combo is 201 damage, so you need to be at full health AND have more than 171 (!!) armor to survive.

There has been official word from Blizzard on that. I found this one, other interventions in Reddit, Twitter or the old forums are sure to be there as well.

Relevant section, from initial designer Liv Breeden, who designed the card:

Breeden: No, this is a unique mechanic. This is the first time we’ve seen it. It created some interesting questions. At first we thought that it would be interesting if it just dealt the damage, shuffled in, and then you drew again because passively drawn cards always also draw cards you don’t lose your turn.

But if that caused fatigue, then that was just an instant kill, and we found that was less interesting than having the shuffle happen after the draw. So if you have no cards in your deck and only Corrupted Bloods, you’ll draw all your Corrupted Bloods, you’ll take the one fatigue damage, and then all the copies get shuffled in. You still die within about two to three turns if you’re out of cards, but it gives you that last minute rush that maybe you can close out the game in time.


To add to this, we like that Corrupted Blood creates a tension and a clock. When your deck is completely Corrupted Blood, it’s nice to know that you can close out a game if you’re close. This is also why Fatigue deals increasingly more damage. It’s more interesting if a player has one last chance to win, rather than abruptly losing.


I guess it does not get any more official than this. Thanks for chiming in, more insight into the design choices are always fun to read.

Oooh… Legendary text! Thank you Liv. It’s nice to have a Designer set the record straight.