Cockroach OTK Shaman is back...again

Yes and yes. It’s all in pocket/norwis, basically, EU version.

NA is still lagging behind, but when I lose against it, I don’t really care if it’s the 51% or 55% version. I still lost to a toxic, uninteractive, broken deck.

Also, let’s not get carried away and blame it on those two cards. Sure, their addition made the deck broken, yet again. But we all know, all it takes to prevent spending pointless hours nerfing same thing again and again and again is to just deal with flash of lighting and shut down that toxic gameplay once and for all.

Enough is enough. Go play real decks, which actually makes you blink and think when you look at the opponent’s board.

Hmm. That’s truly interesting.

Traditionally the Warrior matchup has been a complete nightmare for Burn Shaman, like 20-80 bad. Even if it stayed bad but went to 60-40, that’d be a huge gain. +20% against 10% of the meta is +2% overall right there. That’d go a little bit beyond innovation, more like a revolution!

I definitely hadn’t been running that, and that’s the kind of thing that you really have to know about.

A bit of a shame that no one even mentioned the card until dang near the 100th post. Reminds me of a line from Pulp Fiction containing the phrase “that’s all you had to say.”

I wouldn’t jump to that conclusion just yet, but you’ve definitely given me something to think about.

Forgot to add something, but perhaps it’s for the best — my previuous post turned out too long anyway…

For the record: I played the Window Shopper DH before it was cool :grinning: , and currently I also play DK (that’s more or less all my budget right now).

Gotta admit: I sinned in the past a bit and, during some of my ‘lows’, played some decks for which I’d previously… hate people, so to speak. For example, I played post-nerf Patron Warrior (and even a few times post-unnerf in last month’s Twist — for the first time ever, but it felt disgusting), things like ‘Zoo’ Warlock after WotOG (although with a ‘bonus’ in the form of Sea Giants), the Malygos version (well, at least it was not Leeroy, I said to myself) of the goblen Rogue… There was also the Freeze Mage, especially with ‘I take your candle!’, Hunter at some point, and shortly before quitting the game, even some unsuccesful experiments with Shaman (although I tried unconventional builds). However, I’ve probably never played a broken deck just for the sake of it (all of the aforementioned examples were past their heyday at that moment), and I wouldn’t even consider it — it just doesn’t fit my definition of fun. I suppose, if you use those MTG terms, it’s a bit of a hybrid ‘Jimmy/Spyke’ (or whatever they are called) approach…

For example:

There’s also this:

I suppose those ‘Spikes’ (playing the most busted decks just for cheap wins) and ‘Jimmy/Timmy’ players (‘troll’ decks) have a right to exist… But I reserve for myself the right to… dislike them strongly :grinning: , when the game should be played for fun, in my opinion.

Well that’s a weird take. I’ve only ever flagged a handful of posts ever and I don’t use Scrotie as some scapegoat. Such a weird position for you to take.

Well, they are. They as in the majority of players. This is because combo and OTK decks exist by default in nearly every single “collectible” card game.

You don’t know the difference between a solitaire deck and a combo/otk deck I see. You know there are differences, right?

Which is why I said earlier we can have an argument about where the “line” is. Mine seems to coincide with the Blizzard devs. 5-6 is entirely too early in standard if it’s consistent. Evidenced again by their nerf to Mozaki Mage.

Had to scroll up to make sure Sparky wasn’t talking about Kassadin here.

Anywho, I’m not a very good pet.

I’ve already made my stance on sentiment nerfs clear. But I absolutely believe that Blizzard has no line, indeed they can’t possibly have a line. They just occasionally check Twitter and if the anger is vehement enough they bend to the mob. That’s inevitably the way that unprincipled stances like “sentiment outliers” are enforced. The dark side of democracy, counted in Reddit upvotes.

Could have been a coincidence, but I think I spotted your dynamic duo in topics dedicated mostly to trolling or bullying some frustrated forum participants. If these were some outliers, then, well, a mistake happened — it happpens.

Not in the original Hearthstone as per Ben Brode’s initial vision — that’s my reference point, if you will, and the ‘line’ I’d argue for.

Sure, he might not have always been the greatest designer of all time, and I don’t agree with some of his ideas (regarding randomness and ‘variance’ in particular), but if you look at subsequent controversial changes in design philosophy and principles, I’d say he wins by comparison. I’d argue that remembering at least some of his ‘tenets’ wouldn’t be bad for the game at all. For example, one of them was the following: if they’d consider something ‘not fun’ for players (and to play against in particular), they’d refrain from printing it. This resonates very much with what you said about feelings in this topic, by the way, regardless of performance and whatnot, and I think it’s a good design idea: after all, the game should feel fun (sorry for tautology).

Honestly I think people just hate the deck because their boring removal cards (which make up half of most peoples decks these days) are dead cards so it feels ‘uninteractive’

Can confirm the Fizzle basically makes the Reno warrior MU favorable for OTK shaman (wow!), but the Odyn matchup is still unwinnable (they seem to have over 100 armor in the deck, easily.)

This makes me think that if OTK shaman catches on I see the meta being disrupted and becoming:

Odyn warrior > OTK shaman > Wheel Warlock > Odyn Warrior

and we will be back in a weird 3-way meta. At least DH would die off in that meta, no nerfs needed.

When did it ever need nerfs? :grinning:

This decks has never felt as anything close to Undertaker Hunter, Oil Rogue, Patron Warrior, Secret Paladin, Pirate Warrior, etc, etc or the recent busted pre-nerf Paladin to me.

I guess I better learn to play that deck properly.

I’ve given it a try before every nerf and I could never fulfill the deck’s potential for some reason.

but then again, it took me like 70-80 games on sludgelock to start winning and then I got hooked for thousands of games xDD

Ok… how abount hunter for the first time a belive it does need a nerf.

Yeah, nature shaman’s refinement there was missed in this week’s VS report because Zach pulls the data on Tuesday, and the change happened after that. It’s one of the rarer times where VS’ report is just entirely worthless on the deck because it had a massive change in win rate basically overnight.

It had a week of no bad matchups while the meta figured it out. I assume the stuff above it is going to get adjusted in a few weeks on the next scheduled balance patch, but DH needs a nerf too.

Cause most classes don’t have any armor gain at all lol xD druid warrior and mage can gain armor that’s about it.

Armor doesn’t protect you anymore. If you could do around 30 before, you can do up to 60 now with photographer fizzle

the deck’s just broken and there’s no repair. It’s a “delete the archetype or let the game die” moment, IMO


Sounds like a great candidate for “not less than 1” treatment.


a story as old as the game of HS at this point.


Honestly, one of the most annoying online personalities are people that read spread sheets and think they are smarter than professionals.


I said old school fatigue. Current warrior does a lot more than fatiguing the opponent, with their brann leading to excavates, tendrils, reno, bomb boss, all of which can proactively end games, some of which might as well be like OTKs (tendrils can do more damage than asta did last expansion, while summoning a few 10 drops if there’s room). Even for non-highlander warrior, there’s odyn.

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no… aggro warlock damages itself

masochism is taking joy from self-harm

it’s a joke my g :rofl:

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  • An incredible turnaround in Nature Shaman has lifted the class from the Hearthstone graveyard to the very top of the meta within days. The deck’s top legend win rate has shot up by nearly 8% within one week. You don’t see that very often, the result of a breakthrough in new builds that look vastly superior to its older iteration. It is now the 3rd best performer after Shopper DH and Zarimi Priest at high MMR’s, but we don’t even think it’s fully refined. Its Shopper DH matchup has shot up to 50-50. The Reno Warrior matchup is now only 40-60 too. Besides Warrior, nothing reliably beats a refined Nature Shaman. It has almost instantly become a terrifying deck.


They just forgot to add the part about it being toxic as hell, probably because they don’t play the game, they just read numbers

Just another example of why it’s kinda pointless to wait for VS reports to come out. By the time they come out with actual useful info, people have already abused the meta to their advantage, and you’re a late adopter.

It took them 7 days for this, lol. Normal game developer company would have already nerfed the deck into oblivion before the report about it ever came out.