Classic & Duels achievements

The achievement for the Classic ranked mode “Back in My Day” and all achievements for the Duels mode are still shown as achievable, even though the modes do not exist anymore. Above all, the achievements that you haven’t even made any progress on no longer need to be visible.


The only solution is to bring both modes back.

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These need to be turned into World of Warcraft style “Feats of Strength”.

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How else would you be able to show anyone which achievements you made or almost made if these were not visible anymore? The whole point of the achieves is to show what a player did and when. Now that we live in a time post Classic and Post Duels, those achievements actually mean something as new players can never get them at all and those that have em can flex.

Very similar to People that have certain mounts or achievements in WoW once the game progressed to expansions that made getting them no longer possible. People will sit in Org or Dal all day on their hard to get Mount such a the ZG Tiger or Pheonix from TBC or Boney Frost Wyrm dragon from killing the Lich King on the hardest mode there is and it having a less than 1% chance to drop and having to win among 25 people rolling on it. A series of unlikely events with even more unlikely amount of favorable luck to be that highroll to get it, gives that flex when they sit all day outside the Bank on their Bragging Rights mount.

The game not hiding your achievements that cant be earned anymore or simply retiring the entire section of achieves from view just isnt reasonable or worth pursuing.

Completed achievements should always stay. Those that can no longer be completed should no longer be visible to players who have not achieved them. People who have achieved previous achievements can still show them off, and new players don’t get frustrated when they see achievements they can never achieve. It’s a common approach in several games.

After patch 30.0 (July 16), at least the achievements section mentions that the Duels mode has been retired.