Chaotic Tendrils Deck With Patch 29.2.2

Correct me if Im wrong:
Theres 2 spells that cost 10 mana:
Table Flip and Sunset Volley…

Sunset Volley got its mana lowered to 9 which indirectly made all Chaotic Tendrils deck very static board clears.

The Shaman’s Deck Recipe Shudderbluck Chaos, I think, needs to be updated/changed or replace for something else.

As for every other deck themed around Chaotic Tendrils, the payoff is exactly what this patch was trying to prevent:
" The second category is powerful, uncapped board clears. We’ve made and will continue to make AoE effects, but these particular instances are too efficient at clearing the board, making minion-based strategies feel helpless"

Did this patch Nerfed the Chaotic Tendrils deck or did it gave it 1 mana Table Flips Tendrils to win?

It’s a nerf. Table Flip doesn’t do face damage. A 3 damage board clear is a terrible payoff.


You’re right though this deck is now complete trash


Yeah, I’ve been really enjoying the Chaotic Tendrils deck and this nerf to Sunset Volley just totally kills the deck. Very sad. Was Tendrils really too strong that it needed this nerf?

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I just got back into constructed Hearthstone after a couple years off. Spent all my money, gold, and dust to craft a reno tendrils build after playing the chaotic tendrils build on tavern brawl . The “buff” to sunset volley kills my deck. I’m done playing constructed for good. The last time I tried getting back into Hearthstone i spent all my money on building shudderwock shaman. Shaman’s first true combo deck and they nerfed it quickly. I’ll still play BGs but I’ve been burned for the last time, done with constructed.

Yes, and good riddance. At least something was good in that patch…

I wish that you were good Sparky. I know you’re intelligent, and I want to acknowledge when I think you’ve made a good point, but you’re just so arrogant and unforgiving with your attitude that I can’t like you very much