Card Packs RIP OFF!

OMG, wtf is going on here. I had 33 packs that I just opened and not 1 damn Legendary card? Seriously, I get it is random but when you are opening over 10 packs at least, give a player a legendary. All this grinding and spending gold to earn packs just to get crap cards is a waste of my time…sigh.


It’s probably just bad luck. like my last 35 packs, i didn’t get a single legendary, but prior to that, i got 3 legendary in 15 packs including a golden one.

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Were the 33 packs all from the same expansion?

Completly irrelevant to the point: it’s a rip off. Deflecting much?

Not really a rip off when you know when buying the packs you are only guaranteed 1 legendary every 40 packs.

Odds didn’t work in your favor but that’s RNG for ya


Even if you know the odds (and OP might not have known) a particularly bad streak would still feel like a rip-off. And of course, a lot of people misunderstand how packs work, which can also make it feel like a rip-off when the packs don’t work as expected.


It is not irrelevant as each type of pack has it’s own bad luck protection.


I wouldn’t say that it is irrelevant, as the last time I checked… Opening a pack different from a pack opened prior to that… Resets the chance of receiving a legendary for a pack expansion that you would have liked to have received one from. Correct me if I’m wrong…

Pity timers are independent across different expansion packs. Opening packs from one expansion doesn’t affect the odds of finding epic/legendary cards in packs from a different expansion.

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You are wrong. The counters don’t reset by opening different expansion packs.

Thank you MadMax for that clarification…:+1:
I’ll be sure to remember that.

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Haha if you are using gold you won’t be so disturbed.

I were from 3 different expansions, all current standard cards. Either way, 30+ packs and 0 legendary card(s) still hits you in the gut from all the grinding. I usually save all my packs until the end of the month, then open all at one time to increase the odds of getting a good/great card.

Which brings up the question, how do the mechanisms work for the card packs? Is there any documentation from Blizzard on how to increase the odds or is it all just a flip of the coin?

You cant really increase odds. All we know of are pity timers and every card set has their own pity timer. You have a chance of receiving a legendary card in 40 packs and the chance of getting it increases everytimg, until you will have a 100% chance on the fortieth pack. I believe the pity timer for epics is 20 packs, but i may be wrong about that. It has to be noted though, that you will get a legendary in the first ten packs of every expansion.

OP just had bad luck, i believe we all know how that feels in this game. Its not a rip-off, since we know our chances. Now, if that is actually fair or should be changed is another discussion and i believe all of us would be in favour of a decreased pity timer, like up to 30 for a legendary and 15 for an epic, for example.

You are guaranteed a legendary card within the first ten packs of an expansion. You are also guaranteed a legendary card every 40 packs of an expansion, and an epic every 10 packs. The average drop rate is one legendary every 20 packs and one epic every 5 packs.

Now here’s the important part: these guarantees/averages apply to each expansion pack independently. That means that opening 40 packs of one expansion will guarantee you find a legendary card, but opening 10 packs from four different expansions will not guarantee a legendary card.

In this case, your bad results were unsurprising because you opened packs from multiple expansions, lowering your odds of finding the more rare cards.

Side note: as far as we know, the “legendary card guaranteed in the first 10 packs” rule doesn’t apply to specialty packs like Golden Classic packs, Year of the Phoenix packs, or the class packs you get from completing Book of Heroes/Book of Mercenaries chapters.


For my better understanding, you are saying the first 10 packs of an expansion will have a legendary and after opening the first 10, you should get a legendary for every 40 packs opened after that?

Thanks everyone for your input. I know it was the luck of the draw, still demoralizing, but meh.

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Yup! It might be the in the first pack, or the tenth, or somewhere in between, but you are guaranteed a legendary within the first ten packs of any one expansion you open. This doesn’t apply to special packs like the ones you get from Tavern Brawls, or the class packs you get from Book of Heroes bundles.

That’s the minimum. On average, you should get one every twenty packs. Just remember that the timer is unique to each expansion, so opening forty Barrens packs will guarantee (at minimum) one legendary card, but opening twenty Barrens packs and twenty Darkmoon Faire packs will not.

Yep, that’s right. Also, don’t get fooled by the “average” claims. That’s across all players.
The chosen ones (streamers, promoters, etc.) can have a legendary every 5 packs. People like me get the guaranteed minimum. Because who want’s equality, and even terms, right? Discrimination is fun!

I have had a legendary 3 packs in a row and i am not a streamer. It is all down to luck.

If you open 30 packs of different kynds you’re not garanteed to open a legendary.
You’re garanteed a legendary in the first 10 packs you open ever of a type of pack, outside of that the pitty timer is 40 packs, being a streamer/youtuber and the like has nothing to do with the odds or paying for the packs with either real life money or gold also doesn’t affect your odds.
I suggest you look onlyne for the “triplicate protection” or “card packs statistics” in the Fandom wiki sorry to not been able to provide links.