Card Pack Purchases

New Card Pack Purchase Options

I can’t tell you the number of times I have spent coins both real and hearthstone coins on card packs in an attempt to strengthen my hero only to spend coins or 50 dollars or 20 to get a thin handful that applied to my hero. I know I’m not as rich as others so I find it a little disheartening to spend that amount of money for a strand of cards thinner than the top of my head where hair used to grow. :joy: Is it possible to offer people the option of buying packs wild or in the current season that only contain cards relevant to their hero and all classes. Sort of packs that you know you’re just not lighting your money on fire for like a 3 turn burn. If you want to say “but you can always disenchant them to create cards. I would politely remind you of that small fact that NOT ALL CARDS CAN BE CRAFTED. I’m sure there are others that agree and if they don’t well either they have money to burn or play multiple hero’s. Even people that play 2 or 3 would probably agree with this to some extent. Just with all the costs of things these days and the financial situation of most with the highest reported number of men not working EVER. It would be nice to get a little reprieve somewhere.