Can you nerf Thief Rogue?

Totally OP. Nerf Tess Graymane already. The Spectral Cutlass weapon should have beed nerfed long ago and you still dont touch it.

Fine. Every card now costs 21 mana and leo can finally be happy.


You know, personally I would be in favour of Thief Rogue getting a slight nerf.
But not the Spectral Cutlass, what I want is the RNG a little more controlled, it really ticks me off when I can’t play around anything cause my opponents deck is pure random.

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kingsbane decks are way more annoying than thief rogue imo. and draw all your cards/ play arcane giants and breakdance and shadowstep them and loatheb and playhouse giants is even worse. and pirate rogue is kinda annoying to my bad decks but oh well.

Spoiler: Leo will never be happy


My theory is that he had an accident like Phinneas Gage. He was working on the railway and an unexpected, but hilarious explosion drove his iPhone up through his brain. The doctor who worked it loose accidentally installed Hearthstone and the rest is history. Leo, no longer capable of experiencing positive emotion, gazes, perplexed, at HS cards on his cracked screen and dreams of the day that the cards are all as bad as he feels every day.

Should have just left the phone in…

Oh… Also, thief rogue sucks, just like all slot machine decks.