Can You nerf Demon Seed quest?

The quest is Op. Nerf Crystallizer or Boost the mana cost of the self damage warlock cards.


Phen… why do you always call for nerfs when you get countered? This quest is fine… it’s not op. If it was so op everyone would be playing it and their not. There are plenty of decks that counter a demon seed deck.


The quest has been nerfed multiple times, it used to be 6/8/10, now it’s 10/10/10


unless you can aggro them to death b4 turn 8 ya ain’t winning vs that actually Aok…control has 0% win rate vs tamsin

Tamsin gets play on turn 5-6 almost everytime :S(turn 5 if they got the coin)

they also buffed that 1 card dealing dmg to random targets 13 time(previously 9 targets)
greatly speed up the completion rate and give them an anti-aggro tool

the destroy a minion card got revert to heal for 8 up from 4 so they got even more recovery than b4 too

not sure if i missed anything else, but ya they buff some tools for the quest despite nerfing the quest


I agree crystalizer is the main problem. I doubt it gets nerfed though. Only way to beat it is by playing hyper aggro and praying your early minions stick.

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I think the quest is fine. As always…it is the cards that surround and enable the quest with such ease/no cost, that are the problem. What specifically that is (it could be crystallizer…idk…tbh that card even when released made me think “this is gonna be a problem someday”) simply due to the design of the card being a premium statted 1 cost minion with a ±5 damage effect. Like…just look at it and look at every other 1 drop and show me where there is anything remotely similar. It should be nerfed/fixed to deal 3 damage/gain 3 armor, I think that is where it would make sense.

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sorry why would blizzard be careful about nerfing cards? Hearthstone is in shutdown mode, they have already closed duels since April, I have news that there will be other negative announcements, the game is a total loss for blizzard, who cares about nerfing cards?

There is no way to beat this quest, it’s like caverns below and others. All you can do is forfeit.
Some decks are unbeatable. I have forfeited against moon eater palaDINS since they came out. I have not played one since, and the AI seldom now matches me up against one because I consistently forfeit. I will never entertain it because it is an auto loss. No way to beat it.


My gauge for how busted a deck is how adamantly reddit defends it and downvotes anyone complaining about it. It’s hilarious how accurate that barometer usually is.

And yes, this netdeck is currently horrendously busted. “Just play agro, just play agro” - ehhh yeahhh, good luck with that. It’s very reminiscent of mill druid in that, ultimately, board control is meaningless. They have near infinite sustain with spells + the mid-questline rewards and all of the cards hyper-synergize in completing the quest as soon as possible. And just like mill druid, unless you have a deck specifically constructed to counter it, you will lose.

I see a lot of you saying crystallizer is the problem, but honestly I don’t think that’s it at all. IMO what pushes this deck from “very strong” to “braindead broken don’t even bother playing vs it” is Chamber of Viscidus AND the laughably low mana cost of Blightborn Tamsin. Too often I will get demonseed players in a precarious spot with them at extremely low health and just about out of cards…only for them to play TWO chambers, use them both, and instantly mill me for 35dmg. It’s so lame and uninteractive. Yes I know it was already nerfed. It needs another one.

One of two things need to change to make this deck balanced. Still VERY STRONG, but actually fair to play vs.

  1. Bump mana cost of Chamber of Viscidus to 4.


  1. Bump mana cost of Blightborn Tamsin to 6.

I personally prefer 2, because it opens up a lot of counterplay with things like Theotar. In fact, now that I think about it, the only times I have ever beaten demonseed was by using Theotar and nabbing it for myself. The problem is…the damn thing is so fing cheap for what it does and how easy it is to hyperrush the quest + burn your deck…they can very often play it the same turn they receive it. Everything synergizes way too well for this thing to cost 5 fing mana. A small nerf to mana cost in either of those 2 would be very fair, imo.

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bumping Tamsin to 6 wont make it much better…slight slowdown at most…any good player at high rank will not allow you the chance to Rat or Theo…they just gonna hold on to “raise dead” to play it on 6…or hold off to play her along a 1 drop on turn 7

the whole thing need a slap on a few cards

You just defined anything that platform doesn’t like in a nutshell.

And as it’s been stated upthread: it’s been nerfed already. The answer is to play more aggrostone.

Aren’t you thankful?