Can we un-nerf some cards please?

I was just thinking about Big Game Hunter. It is supposed to be a 3 cost card. They overnerfed it to 5 cost, then settled at 4 cost. But it should really be 3 cost as it was always supposed to be. How do I know? How often does BGH see play at 4 mana? Less than 1%. How much would it see play at 3 mana? MAYBE 1%. I mean, it just seems weird and sad that these cards have been forgotten because they used to have a philosophy of nerfing things into the ground. It’s not right. Bring back BGH at 3 mana so it can continue to not be played, but at least it’ll be played slightly more or be slightly more impactful if it is ever played. Do you agree? And what other cards do you feel should be brought back to still-irrelevant-but-slightly-less-irrelevant? I’ve already posted about Nat Pagle and Novice Engineer, but I think there are plenty more they could and should bring back into the game.

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that seems fair. nat pagle and novice engineer sure too. man i miss playing nat pagle back when the game first came out (i suck at this game and always have lol play for fun)

but they should nerf radiant elemental like they did sorceror’s apprentice.

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