Can we have an option for faster games

For me, the game is being ruined, by players taking ages to make their plays. I don’t mean people playing control decks that take long. I mean people just sitting there, doing nothing, and roping the first couple of turns. There are people playing aggro deck, with total turn times of over 6 minutes. That’s just their turns, not the total game time.
Obviously, Nozdormu the Eternal doesn’t work, because both players need it in their decks. And I know not everyone wants to play faster.
So how about this. Before you click play, have an option for a timed game. Just a block to put a tick in. The game matches you with someone else that selected that.
What I mean by a timed game. Like in chess. Each player has a set total allowed turn time for the whole game. Can be 5 minutes, or 6, or whatever, clever guys can work out what’s the ideal. If your total time runs out, you lose.
This way, the people that want to play fast or slow, can be matched against similar opponents.


I hope this change is NEVER implemented.

Roping players are a cornerstone element in driving away players from the game.

It might be unintentional roping. They could just be thinking about what effect their turns will have on the rest of the game.

Maybe. But on turn 1? For that long? I am so used to people taking long, that I do that during their turns.
I am comparing it to chess. It opens up a new dynamic to the game.
But that is why I suggested just have the option there.
The point of Nozdormu the Eternal was to add that option for players. But not many people play it. Maybe if they made it a more attractive option…

I punish ropers.
If you have one or two manna crystals, and it takes you a rope to make a decision to play a card, I fuse burn them the entire game while I watch reruns of threes company on pluto tv.
Anyone who fuse burns me gets the fuse for the rest of the game. I know some realize their mistake after I start burning them (because they make comments) the entire game. Their only choice is to quit. They know why I am fuse burning them. Their only choice is to concede if they don’t like it, and then look in the mirror and ask themselves why they took an entire fuse burn to play one card when they only had 5 cards and 3 manna crystals. They need to think what is wrong with their brain what was their malfunction that caused them fuse burn.
That is all.
Also… I actually do this.

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Yeah, I have done this as well.
Petty, I know. But I also feel, if you waste my time, I’ll waste yours. I normally wait until they start picking up speed, then I will rope them back.
But again, that’s my point. There are some of us that just want to start and play the game, and there are others that like to waste time. Just give us the option to choose which we want to play. Just a selection box, next to the play button. That can’t be hard.

If some one is roping you in the first 3 rounds, then rope him back… he will stop it rightaway mostly if he has some brains… There is not much to think about in first 3 rounds usually… because you don’t have mana to use anyway… Chosing your first cards is much more important in the opening hand than your moves in the first 3 turns in my opinion. Ppl usually just wait for you to concede thats why roping you… or try to make you upset because they hate to play against your class.

That’s not punishing them, that’s giving them what they want.

People who rope want to drag the game out because that earns them more xp per game.

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Brings a whole new meaning to Mr. Roper :rofl:

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You are asking them to implement something that will provide a better play experience… That’s not happening.

They can even trial something like this in Twist. They are still trying to get Twist to be a thing, why not use it as a trial tool.

I rope for a variety of reasons early and often.

When they think its time to retaliate, by “Fuse Burning” as you say. I grab one of the guitars sitting next to me and jam while playing the game.

Not a big deal.