Can N'Zoth finnaly get some nerfs

I know “Its wild cards are meant to be powerful” but over the years there where added so many strong deaththreatel minions that this card moved from really strong to straight up broken. And dont forget bounce effects or cards like dead mans hand etc. that can easyly give you several copies of it. There are a lot more problematic cards in wild imo that deserves nerfs like DK Guldan and certain aggro cards but there is no reason N’Zoth is still this strong.

Terrible idea.

I don’t even play the game anymore and I still can see how stupid nerfing N’zoth would be. That’s just how silly this suggestion is lol.

Instead of nerfing Nzoth, i wish they add a mechanic that bypasses taunt (like kayn), so you can still win in case your opponent has 5 health and uses Nzoth --> multiple karthut defender, or guldan with the taunt spawing more taunt and then it’s GG because of the heropower + board.

I see this mechanic as a “medicine” against decks like hadronox druid / cubelock / wall priest, which can be obnoxius if they keep filling their board with multiple taunt (1 turn can be ok, but when you know he will keep doing it you need at least a way to pass them even if you are not priest with mass silence).

He’s a ten mana legendary minion which requires you to build a deck around him pretty much. If he’s played he should feel impactful, he should feel like he’s gonna win you the game.

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But most of the time the deck isnt builed around them you slap a few strong deaththreattles in your deck in some cases cheat them out of your deck and then get a full board of strong minions with even stronger effects.

has to be strong as a reward for making it to turn 10!

But that’s the point of res’ing a certain subset of minions. It’s built around N’zoth bringing back very specific minions. Believe me, I’ve played N’zoth in decks full of deathrattles, it sucks to bring back 2/1s and stuff.

Other control decks can deal with Guldan and Nzoth boards fairly easily. Kazakus, Scream, Godfrey, Nether, Zephrys.

Only salty aggro players complain about Nzoth when the walls of taunts come up and it’s insta concede.

An aggro deck won’t get to a turn where nzoth is played :joy:
I’m not an aggro nor a salty player, but i still wish to have a “kayn” effect (not aura effect, but just for a single minion) to have the chance of winning a game that i should have already won if it wasn’t for 2-3 nzoth or guldan. Like a “generic fireball” that requires a minion on board, idk.
“battlecry: give a minion ignore taunt” (maybe it’s too hard to display it)

I’m not saying that nzoth deserves a nerf, but i agree with the OP that facing multiple full boards that spawns other stuff (karthut for example), saves you from death (taunt), heals you (still karthut) and threats lethal (huge attacks value) can be oppressive

problem is not everyone has multiple board clears, and being able to multiply N’Zoth so easyly is stupid, Warlock feels so favored by the devs cause it can go agro has tons of removal can go hyperlategame has heal and can now target discard to get multiple N’Zoths and gul dan, Priest has already the i just keep rezing big boards till you cannot answered it anymore, and dead mans hand is so easy to pull of as control warrior that it is pointles to even atempt to play against it if you cannot flik the infinite N’Zoths. And even rouge can just get abuse multiple N’Zoths fairly easy with Karthud defender and scheeme. The card might haven been good and fairly strong when it was first introduced but over the years they added so many ridiculus cards to the game that it feels bad to play wild cause the strong decks are quite literrally the same that they where long ago just a tad bit stronger cause of the few newly added strong cards. Quest mage was a pretty popular deck and since mage got a lot more card generation they nerfed it (even tho it wasnt a strong nerf), why cant they do that with everything else, agro deck like Pirate warrior are domiting for several years now and the only nerf it got was on newly added cards like anchor and the targeted weapon draw that barly effected the deck overall.

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Your wall of text was so poorly articulated it’s hard to really figure out what you’re trying to get across.

The card is fine. Decks that use it right now are few at the moment. No nerf is needed.

What are we nerfing him to…11 mana?

The card is fine

I actually did a fun control mage deck of Solarian, duplicate, and N’zoth.
Had 10 Primes in my deck in total.


you are talking about using him in a fun way but nost people dont use N’zoth in a fun way.
Facing multiple N’Zoths is really hard and you shouldnt be able to generate risk free copy of a card that “Should win you the game when played” like some others pointed out to me in this thread.
Yet you cannot target these other cards cause their whole purpose was to generate copies of certain cards. Like lets say we wouldnt nerf N’Zoth but a card like Dead Mans Hand so it cannot shuffel another copy of itself it would ruin the whole deck type. Or expired merchant deaththreatle to “If its your oponents turn add 2 copies to your hand” this card would essentially useless.
All decks that currently run N’Zoth would keep working if N’Zoth would ether not summon a full board or wouldnt summon several copies of the same minion.

Honestly, I agree, how can you really nerf him? You already don’t particularly care about the body, and nerfing that would ruin the symmetry where his stats are the reverse of Yogg’s. And really, nerfing the effect seems stupid. Summoning 3 void lords and 2 Khartuts is still game winning.

I know how you feel. Just the interaction between Khartut defender + Nzoth is my main issue with it

its the reborn+deathrattle combination and then having to bypass the taunt and deal with the mass healing all at once
Just print me a neutral card that removes a minion from play entirely without destroying it and I’d be happy kinda like the Reno Hero card effect but single target.

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