Can a slow deck even beat Tickatus?

In wild I usually play a Claw Machine Priest deck and I get the impression I have a 0% winrate against Tickatus. I can beat Zoo, Reno and Deathglare, but I have very little removal so I can’t stall, and Tickatus Warlock can clear the board seemingly every turn until they play Tickatus. Is it possible to stop Tickatus? I already run one tech card - Albatross, specifically for Raza Priest… not sure whether I run another.

I beat them sometimes with a dead man’s hand dr. boom warrior. It really helps to be able to shuffle more cards in. They play around dmh being in your hand as well after seeing it.

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You lost your deck? Never mind, just get another. From the opponent:
Legendary · Minion · Knights of the Frozen Throne · Battlecry: Shuffle a copy of your opponent
And don’t forget to add there Tickatus itself:
Common · Spell · League of Explorers · Choose an enemy minion. Shuffle it into your deck.


It’s definitely possible to beat a control Warlock running Tickatus with a slower deck. That said, I believe control priest is control warlock’s best matchup, so it’s an uphill battle.

I’ll leave it to priest mains to tell you how to actually do it, I just know that sometimes the priest does win, so it is doable.