Bye bye Divine Favor

Bye bye and good good riddance


You’ll probably get rekt anyway



Yes I’m going to really get rekt with 7433 win with all the classes rank and causal. It also my last rank was 10 so yeah.


that maybe truth or not
hard to believe coming from a guy who s been making threads to complain about losing

and he was talking about the future
not the past


As much as I hate Divine Favor this card was a necessary so that Aggro Paladin decks could compete with control decks. 3 mana draw 8 cards is OP though. I guess it’t time to go.

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I complain about a card break game like Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End , Mecha’thun , Deathstalker Rexxar , and Kingsbane. Like most to because it makes meta boring and one sided.

It not don’t like Divine Favor but card blizzard release recent it broke card like ice block did. So it good thing it going to stop decks like it has lately.

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I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone call yogg “boring”


When your on other side it it was not fun watching you be destroy spell after spells even if he died over min.

Yogg was nerfed forever ago and its 50/50 It can help turn the game around or it can back fire horribly Not a car you can rely on for consistency.
Kingsbane is no longer an issue because it only has lifesteal for a turn not indefinitely.
I’d say DS Rexxar is a fair card to complain about. Infinite Value can be annoying.
Meca’thun isn’t the best OTK out there. Way faster and more reliable ones especially in wild. There are at least answers in wild though.

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If people like you had it your way nothing interesting would EVER happen, just minions slamming into other minions for all of eternity.

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How can any of you understand what he’s saying?

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is odd i think its 2 people using the same account

sometimes his grammar is good
others you to have put a lot of effort to figure out whats hes trying to say

You do know that they hof cards so they can create new cards to replace them right? Prepare to merely hate something new.


You guys didn’t know you were dealing with a bad-a s over here, did you?

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Interesting how rank 10 gets forumers laugh at you, despite being far above average
(Edit: by YOU I obviously meant OP, but it may look confusing at first sight. I haven’t learned how to quote a quote inside another quote on the new boards)

I’m rank 3 and still feel like I can’t boast about it, maybe nobody is meant to boast about anything here after all

So many legends here
(where are the top legends though?)



They will HAVE to give Pally a draw card of some sort this xpac. ( I know they already have some draw, I just like shineys)


yogg stops casting when he dies blizzard made that change a year plus ago? so he casts nothing after death o.O O.o o.o O.O

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Rank 0 Legend all season long or GTFO

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