Bring Back Classic Mode in Hearthstone

You don’t think they put a lot more GOLD colors in the new Shop?

The new Shop looks to me visually expensive :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: (like it makes you want to spend the money there) but then I look at how stuff organized, get frustrated and leave. :smiley: (yeah, it is a bit of a mess)

The old Shop was freezing for me on Android phone and the PC. I would scroll and the whole game would freeze for up to a minute before scrolling smoothly again - it was extremely annoying!

The new Hearthstone Shop IMO is a plus but how much they want to charge for every little thing in the Shop especially the prices is absurd. I do feel like I am in a Gucci store and looking at things I can’t afford. :rofl:

Of course, they will not bring Classic Mode back cause it will directly kill their revenues. Unless they find a way to bring Class back but charge you even more money. :smiley:

Why every time I am in a Hearthstone Shop the only thing I can think of - is this joke:

What’s the difference between a Hearthstone card and a piece of paper?

  • The paper has more value.

Amen! Bring back CLASSIC Hearthstone!


Best comment on this topic.
Nothing to add.


When you get the little (!) indicator of something NEW! in the shop, it’s more tedious to clear. Before, I’d just tap the Shop button and then exit out of it and the (!) was cleared. Now, you have to tap on every tab within the shop that has a (!) on it in order to clear the (!) from the home screen. Very annoying.


+1, there is too much cards now we want a classic mode if possible please


Let’s just have a mode where it stops right before Ben Brode left. Those were the best Hearthstone days.

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Didn’t he leave right after The Witchwood came out? While I liked the set because of things like Tess and the potential for infinite Yogg-Saron effects with the Shudderwock, a lot of people didn’t like the Shudderwock, Baku, and Genn. Since it’s probably unrealistic to have a mode for every set, it’d be nice to have a mode for each of the most popular formats, or rather, a format for each set before things got notably worse.

Classic is very important to have, as it’s the original version of the game, and several people have painstakingly collected all of the cards from the set, because it was indicated that the mode would be available indefinitely.

Whispers of the Old Gods would be the next desirable mode to have everything after Classic, before cards like Spirit Claws, Jade Idol, Patches, and The Caverns Below came out in the three following sets. I was surprised that they wanted Twist to have those last three sets.

Kobolds & Catacombs would probably be the more desirable way to have a Ben Brode format, as it wouldn’t have the problematic cards from The Witchwood.

Galakrond’s Awakening would probably be the best stopping point for a format for those who did like The Witchwood, as I don’t remember any of the sets between The Witchwood and Ashes of Outland being hated.

Darkmoon Races would probably be the best stopping point for those who did like the early demon hunter days, but didn’t like the Year of the Gryphon sets.

Most things since then have been viewed mostly positively, right? I highly doubt that they’ll ever give us more than one of these at a time, unless they do bring Classic back as its own mode, but if these can’t be their own wild/standard modes, then hopefully they’ll consider these wild/standard time periods for future twist formats, if they do continue to want twist to have a future. If they do end up deciding that they don’t want twist on its own or alongside Classic, they should definitely at least bring back Classic.

I think Classic Mode needed to die. While I thought it was nostalgic and fun, deck variety in the format was stale. This led to many issues, from bots being programmed to play decks optimally, to players leaving because of boredom, to being able to predict every card in an opponent’s deck. Sure, you could use a card that isn’t on the common decklist but those decks were fully optimized years ago. You would make your deck worse for the chance to surprise your opponent.

One of the main draws of the format is that you can “complete” a collection for it, letting you play all the decks in the format. But if we’re being honest, a lot of the Classic cards were vanilla draft chaff. They may have originally been designed with good intentions but now they are useless cards that only exist to teach new players what a bad card looks like. I admit that I fell into the trap of “completing” but I ultimately regretted crafting cards that I will never use.

Sure, the devs could buff the useless cards to a playable state, but that would defeat the purpose of Classic, to recreate the format right after launch.

Twist is a much better format imo. And I wouldn’t be upset if the next Twist season had just Classic cards as long as there was a “Twist” that made deck building more interesting than just looking up old decklists from postlaunch days.

I only played classic mode when it was out. As stale as things could get facing Zoo, ramp druid, etc., I didn’t stop loving it. The pacing and everything just felt so well refined. Standard is laughable in comparison. Classic was actually fun to play, standard is just frustrating and broken. I forgot just how much card generation and power creep has been added to this game, but trying standard again after playing exclusively classic there’s a HUGE culture shock.

Classic was the best mode. Bring it back, since you obviously can’t continue its design philosophy in standard.


I fully agree with this. I’ve watched since Beta phase on Twitch and played it since 1st day at launch.

Please bring back Classic mode to Hearthstone.


Bring the classic mode back!


bump because i agree. wild and standard are bad hearthstone classic was the only reason i was playing hearthstone now i play battlegrounds like 3 times then log off


Should start a “don’t cancel duels as it would be as dumb as cancelling classic” thread!


I like this idea. I hope if they do it, then you are able to achieve the Legend in Classic journal achievement. If not, I think it’s best to remove that achievement, since it’s no longer possible to go for legend in classic mode.



Hearthstone has been deytroyed over the past years with more and more insane mechanics: zero strategy, full rng, full randomness, full non-sense. It has become literally unplayable.


We think we do, but we don’t :clown_face: