Bring Back Classic Mode in Hearthstone

There are a bunch of historical metas I hope they bring back in twist mode. League Of Explorers, Old Gods, Ungoro, and Kobolds And Catacombs are all points in the games past that I would love to revisit.

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Still waiting for Classic to return.


I’m a Classic Hearthstone player too. And I’m with you guys! I’m still very sad when I enter the game and just wanna play with a normal deck, and I can’t… :frowning:


Why on earth would you chime in to advocate against something that has absolutely no impact on you whatsoever?


Because he is a Blizzard shill. All he does all day is wait for a Topic badmouthing Blizzard to pop up, and then starts spouting nonsense.

Him and his small group of shills, only thing they do is just comment on these Topics and then tell the rest of the group to like their comment to act like their opinion holds value.

They have formed a whole circus of people like them and they are touching each others red noses while giggling.


Got you, bro, it’s so sad and unfair


Please bring back Classic Mode!


I hope they bring it back again!


Yes, bring back Classic Mode NOW, Blizzard. I hate Twist. I hate Battlegrounds. I hate Wild. I hate Standard. I hate Mercenaries. The only reason I played the game for the last 12 months before the removal of Classic mode was BECAUSE of Classic Mode.

I have played about 5000 hours of this game and it all started going downhill in Standard where I hit legend every month around where the Death Knight Hero Cards came out. Freak this game in its entirety if Classic Mode isn’t back.


When’s it coming back?


I think there may be a future season of Twist that will be Classic. I don’t think there ever will be a Classic format again.
However, I truly think there should be a Classic format that never goes away.
Just get rid of the monthly rewards for the ladder if that’s a problem.
But Classic should remain as a game feature.

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I’m still bummed they never even gave me back my stars from Classic. This season of Twist uses your highest stars from Standard, Wild, or Twist… when I was legend in Classic :sob:

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Me too… Me too… :pensive:


Give us classic!

The fact is: twist is the new coke of game modes and we want the real thing, which is classic!


Bring back Classic mode +1


Yup, bring back Classic! Since it was removed I dont play anymore.


PLEASE, Bring back classic mode. I was crafting Classic cards the night before, I had no idea this was even going to happen. I logged in that terrible day and was so confused. I never really check forums or any websites outside the game so it was a complete shock. I’m still not over it, my doctor says it’s PTSD and it doesn’t just away. I have real bad trust issues now too. I feel paralyzed, I have no hopes or dreams, how can I have any goals when everything I work for can be taken from me in an instant? I trusted you Blizzard. I really thought we had something special. How could you do this? Why? You didn’t have to cut me off… Now you’re just somebody that I used to know.


Tbh, there’s zero reason not to bring classic back. What is the downside? Really. There is none. Wait nvm I know. The downside is that people might play and spend their time in classic, and that would take away from the other modes where they really try to sell you stuff. We can’t have that. Think of the shareholders.


Guess what everyone.

After an amazing redesign, the HearthStone Shop now showcases an aesthetic that surpasses even a Gucci store.

Guess what everyone.

Who is going to pay for that redesign, for all that beauty.

Guess what everyone.

With Classic Mode, players won’t need Gucci store anymore. :smiley:

Guess what everyone.

… ugh … I am beating a dead horse here

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I don’t think we’re looking at the same store.

Because it went from an easy to look at, everything in one place that was nicely sorted out…to a bloated, ugly tabs-that-make-no-sense-to-how-they’re-organized mess.

But hey everyone, the dead mercstone mode has new bundles!

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