Brann + Sire Must be Corrected

Depends where you look.

In high Legend Imp Warlock is far less common which makes druid tier 2.


Let’s not forget Bronze.

It’s probably better than Tier 3 in Bronze. If someone with paid HSREPLAY can confirm.

Considering some of the hot takes in the forums, we probably have more Bronze League Heroes than Top 1K Pros.


That’s a very loaded phrasing you use.

Druid doesn’t have 10/90 bad matchups, so yes they can win in any matchup.

But they’re no longer a green field either after the Guff nerf. It’s not that highly polarized…

Against meta decks. My guess is that all these bad homebrew decks people keep highlighting here are probably horrible against Ramp Druid. So I will give you that it’s highly polarized to win against garbage.

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I agree that it is easier to beat but some matchups druid will just win no doubt about it the deck has evolved into celestial alignment and this deck performs well at high legend.
Once again i could be wrong this is just my opinion theres no need to use words like garbage.

Out of curiosity do you play druid im just curious i play it from time to time.

I’m not commenting on the deck’s popularity rather I am noting its place in the meta. It’s tier 3 at the most relevant ranks – diamond through legend. And while high legend is interesting it is mostly a different world from that which most players inhabit.

Well, that’s the thing, you can’t use ‘’this deck isn’t as good as you make it seem argument’’ because it’s tier 3.

The only reason it’s that low in D-L is because everyone and their grandma are playing Implock, which counters druid.

The deck is very good against anything slow so it’s far from being a bad deck outside of the aggro or cheese decks such as miracle rogue and priest.

Perhaps the reason people are playing Curse Implock is because it is structurally the best deck right now. I’m not sure that it is its popularity that is dragging Ramp Druid down – it may be that Ramp Druid is simply a bad deck. Bad by comparison to other decks that simply perform better outside of popularity. That rather is what leads to this popularity.

Imp Lock is strong against pretty much everything while being ridiculously easy to play, that is why it’s so popular.

Notice why Naga priest is the strongest deck in the game but is also being underplayed? Because it’s harder to pilot and most people don’t like that.

High legend players typically don’t like playing decks with a low skill cap, which is why it’s far less common there and more players will play its counter.


I’d argue that, as strong as Naga Priest is, it’s also very much a “draw these certain cards by turn 3 or die” deck which are never fun to play. At least for me anyways.

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No, it doesn’t. Druid has TWO ways to do this, in fact, before turn 10, using either Guff or Celestial Alignment.

Naga Priest and Enrage Warrior both have easy counters. And believe me, I do complain plenty about the power creep that has happened to mindless aggro decks like Imp Warlock over the years.

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That would be bless priest, not naga priest.

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I’d have to argue that Curse Implock is not that popular. It’s just below 10% play-rate at diamond through legend.

And Bee why are we talking about high legend? It’s irrelevant to our experience. Are you top 1000? If you are fantastic but none of us will ever be for the most part.

What are you talking about ? If you look at decks, Curse implock is by FAR the deck with the most games played, in D-L, and in every rank outside of high Legend now that I’m looking at it. So I have no idea what you mean by ‘‘Curse Implock is not that popular’’

Also the point is that ‘‘druid is tier 3’’ is not a good argument. Ramp druid crushes almost everything in its path that’s not aggro. So it’s wrong to make it seem like it’s not that good when it’s amazing against everything but sucks against aggro, which significantly reduces it’s overall performance.

If you look at games played with Curse Implock, the only rank it isn’t the most played deck is HIGH legend… and guess what ? this is the rank where ramp druid is far stronger.

Don’t judge how good a deck is by simply looking at its tier list from some sites, you need to look at the data to figure out if a deck is good. And in that case, ramp druid is a strong deck that has its overall winrate dragged down by all the warlock players.

I play almost every class. So I have played it. That’s how I know firsthand that it’s not some unbeatable tier S deck. I dusted Guff when it got nerfed, and haven’t tried it since.

And my opinion at release was that Ramp Druid was fine, but it wouldn’t be if you nerfed other decks and not it. And I was right, it became a powerhouse after Shaman and Warlock were nerfed. It’s fine after the Guff nerf.

I don’t mean to hurt anybody’s feelings here, but we have a whole lot of people without an iota of understanding for deck building, all doing exactly that. So they get bad results, particularly against Druid’s late game. It’s funny because I will list the proper steps for deck refinement, admit I am too lazy to do them, and every single time the homebrewers will tell on themselves not doing them either.

I play it too i changed alot of cards to make the aggro matchups easier but it is not s tier at all but not as bad as ppll think it is.

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I will counter argue that we’re just not in a meta where people are just spamming a few decks, which therefore have exceedingly high play rates (except Rogue at Legend).

So for this meta, with play rates as scattered as they are, it’s one of the most popular.

Sure given perfect draw.

I played 6 ramp druids on Sunday. One had a good draw and I conceded around turn 15. The other 5 I beat by turn 10-11.

I like playing ramp druid. but I only play it in casual. In ranked I play something that actually consistently wins.

At low gold this weekend I mostly played against druid. some priest, mage and rogue but overwhelming druid.

Of course If I was playing druid I would have faced 50% imp lock but according to everyone that does not happen…


Because the answer to Druid’s late game is deckbuilding an aggro deck, thus the reason why it is a tier 3 deck ONLY at the ranks where aggro is popular. It pushes out all the other decks, leaving room only for those aggro decks that can beat it before it goes off. We shouldn’t be restricted to either “play druid or aggro or lose.”

And the BIG reason all that is happening is… DENATHRIUS. The aggro decks beat Druid and other mid or control decks because even if you answer their waves of minions, they drop a 50 damage Denathrius on you at the end of it, because what aggro really needed was more power creep. And Druid beats everything except those decks because it is the only control deck that pulls off a good Denathrius now that Kael got nerfed.

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Just to clarify.

Are you saying that aggro decks are playing Denathrius?

Because that’s not right.

Man you are a sorry troll. You might want to practice that along with your gameplay.