Brann is perfect

Just my 2 cents, but I think Brann is the most perfect card to sum up why hearthstone is spiraling down a dirty toilet.

After we’ve been fed a forced diet of RNG, OTK and permenent effects that we can do nothing about, the wonderful folks who make hearthstone come along, and finish off the buffet with a heaping load of Brann.

Y’all know what happens when you eat too much Brann right?


Whatever you say buddy

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There is nothing wrong with bran. He is easily countered and has a huge trade off. The win rate is super low compare to other decks dominating the ladder. Hell plague DK has a better win rate.

Bran can’t beat paladin because paladin is still too fast and dominate. Bran can’t beat Mil druid because your deck will be over drawn Losing him, bran can’t be DK because plagues make it useless, bran can’t beat priest because they out control them, bran can’t beat agro demon hunter because they are too fast, bran can’t beat anything agro.

The goal of bran is to drop bran and drop astalor and that’s assuming you have those cards and are not being already dominated on the field.

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you mean raisin brann cereal? that’s a healthy and delicious snack

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Brann is not good. He actually needs a buff