Bots in ranked games

Exactly. Wish it was different. I expect by now people in general would be aware of corporate predatory practices. Looks like OP wasn’t, and learned a sad lesson.

Every bot I play against I can not report because they don’t show up in my recent or current friends list. They just aren’t there. Side note: of my first 12 games, 10 have been bots. This is pretty terrible. Also I hit diamond 5 or legend every season so i’m doubting there’s no one to play against. But yes, the same two word names always.

I came back and have been noticing a lot. But I have wondered what if they just don’t know how to play very well and are new

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You really have to work on your english.

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Maybe, but their turns are run like clockwork. They don’t rope, they don’t wait to make plays after you turn over at the end of your turn. They don’t have some short turns and some long turns. And they consistently make the wrong plays, instead of learning from it.

People will obviously argue back n forth abotutwhat is right and wrong but how about the team actually consults the community because THAT is what matters not a leads selfish decision or even a few the ENTIRE community should be asked for feedback <<<<not just yes or no but reasoning.
Like isn’t this a VERY old topic about devs not listening to their community?

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I’m the type of player that enjoys playing my own jank decks. My win rate sucks because I’d rather lose with a deck I made myself than play a net deck. If I lose, that’s fine. Except now, it isn’t. Every loss means another bot. Died to Sif from full health? How about you fight a bot? Couldn’t deal with Warlock’s 5th 11/11 on turn 8? Another bot. That aggro deck instantly refilled his board for the 4th time and you didn’t draw your 4th AoE? Oh you better believe that’s a bot.

Hey how about a free win? I’m sure it’s empowering coming back after a loss streak and beating SilentPants, a most assuredly real person who removes his own minions and buffs yours! No, no it isn’t. Blizzard, if you really want to give me a free win, fine. Don’t make me sit there for 5 minutes and click buttons and pretend I’m playing your game. Sitting in a queue for 5 minutes would be preferable because at least then I can browse the internet and enjoy myself; I don’t have to check back every 10 seconds to let you know I’m still alive and want to play your game.

And it’s not a matter of having too low MMR to find a human opponent. After I beat a single bot my next opponent will be a human and the queue time is fine.


Good to know im not the only one, on those bot games it makes me so p*ssed because i believe blizzard is making fun of me, I don’t want a pity win… If i played bad let me learn from it… Blizzard needs to go back to the drawing board with this strategy.

Plus rank mode should be only for human vs. human.

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I’d rather sit in a queue for 30 minutes than play against another bot.


Why don’t they just label the bots “Your opponent”?

Because that doesn’t change the problem at all. The bots are extremely recognizable. They play instantly for one thing. But that’s not the real problem. The real problem is the bots don’t understand their cards or how to play the game. They play Plague Strike on their own minions and Jive Insect on yours. They play Undead Allies at the end of turn. They play premium removal on useless minions. They kill off their own minions with a trade then play a battlecry buffer with no target.

The bots are so bad at the game you have to be actively trying to lose to lose to them. Playing against them is a miserable experience. And how it works is if you are at a low enough MMR you will face a bot. You will keep fighting bots until you win once against them (so conceding doesn’t work). If you lose to your next opponent you will fight a bot again (and if you’re bad enough that you’re fighting bots at all, you’re probably going to face them many more times).

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they do, sometimes.


It’s not a matter of playing badly against many decks. Warrior is combo, mage is combo. That means if you can’t put enough pressure on the board, or your deck isn’t built to disrupt their combo, you just lose. Nothing you do in the game matters. If you lose enough to try-hards playing meta decks, then Blizzard will put you up against bots. And once again, nothing you do in the game matters because win or lose, it’s just a bot.

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once again came to troll on behalf of the company. Just another day ending in “y.”

Don’t worry, you just got trolled by another company bot: forum version. Consider it a rite of passage that whatever algorithm they have running here zeroed in on you for criticizing the company enough.


Players at legend have reported bots. Another lie from tha actiblizz defense force.

The funny thing is, their forum bots will eventually accuse you of being one. Shows how desperate they are to defend the lack of action on botting and the company flodding their own game with bots because of how many players they drove away.

Very much this. The only thing this company understands right now is a hit in the bottom line, and being shut down by governments and courts they can’t buy off.

Apparently the report button is a placebo, someone posted about this a while back.

If you are referring to the company, look up your consumer protection/ legislative avenues in your area. Never hurts to make their scummy practices known. The loot box crack down happened, hopefully in time, the companies botting their own games will too.

This, but good luck getting the company or those who propagandize for them to admit that.

Sadly this. This is where so many of us who pointed out the problems with the predatory monetization would lead the game. Sadly the same people who spam “git gud, muh company bots are fine” were the same ones who defend the predatory monetization and every other scummy move this company has made over the years.

For anyone new to the forums, quickest way to spot a member of the actiblizz defense force is to ask them to name an example or three of the company’s wrongdoing. You’ll be hard pressed to get one without some major qualifiers and excuses attached.

Too bad those legend players reporting bots can’t git gud. Oh wait.

I’d rather have every corporate scumbot labeled “bot in place of customer actiblizz chased from the game#” to drive the point home how much they are killing the game. Then force the number to be posted around team 5’s office, updated in real time whenever the number goes up.

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placebo??? you must be worried your bots will get reported

If you don’t know what a word means, look it up. I’m not going to spoonfeed a trollbot.

projection thy name is actiblizz and its defenders. Also, as one of the company’s bots, you should know the company bots can’t be reported. By design.

Hello, I’m a new forum member. I have played Hearthstone for a handful of years and I still enjoy it. So, let me start by saying thank you for all the entertainment. I am here to confirm the increase of bots in the ranked system. I tried searching online and this thread was the first result.

Presently the bots all seem, “in-house.” I thought I was getting stuck with bots for latency issues, or for other network or location issues.

I haven’t searched this community in its fullest, maybe another thread exist on the same subject and someone has a clear answer as to why we’re stuck against these unoriginal counterparts. (???)

The bots I play against at the diamond rank are mech-rogue, green DK’s and the occasional demon hunter.

Usernames are almost always something like, “BlueMoose,” “QuirkyTurtle,” “LavaMoose,” “SageRaven,” and there are other names like “sdldsflk88lwe” or “xsdksd8w0.”

I just spent the last 30 minutes, 3-0 against the same mech rogue deck. I would much rather fight a real player and have my butt kicked than to beat these unoriginal decks or play against these nonhuman entities. I joined Hearthstone all those years ago for the PvP aspect of this game, not Player versus NonHuman counterpart.

Other than that, I am excited for the new update. I enjoy playing against real people so if anyone wants to craft unique decks and challenge each other, I welcome the invitation.

Kind regards