Bot Purge? Where?

Your update says you did a bot purge which is clearly untrue. Same bots same cards same bracket of wild. I just dont get it. I would rather have longer queues with real people who can think for themselves then this mind-numbing attention to your game base


Banning hundred of thousands of bots doesn’t mean they got rid of them all. Especially when new ones acre created daily.

How do you think it works ?
Bots are not identified by the matchmaking system as being bots. They are just accounts among others, just like actual players. They tend to clog at some ranks.
What makes you think that waiting longer will magically identify the bots and not match you against them ?

The player has degraded to the point where some modes no longer can support matchmaking a certain days of the week or times of the day.

When there wasn’t a flood of external bots there were blizzard bots.

People log on to do quests and then close the game. Blizzard’s response was to dramatically increase the quest requirements to try and drive up games played. The corresponding reward was not materially increased since this would have cut into sales.

my point was to my understanding they put in bots themselves to make faster queues. I think you are missing the point of my post which is the ridiculus amount of bots taking over wild game play

Bots made by blizzard are different
They don’t show up in your recently faced opponent
They used to put them in ranked but they don’t anymore The only place you’re supposed to see them is during apprentice ranks

I am not, I think you are missing the point of my reply which is why is there so many remaining bots

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All the actual players went up in the world while we’re stuck with the cannon fodder the devs toss at us to help us climb. Good riddance to em! Getting to legend ain’t just about having a consistently OP deck it’s about having an OP deck that won’t get your account deleted by angry opponents spam reporting you, every single day of the climb. Otherwise you’re just a firework destined to explode in the sky among all the other stars.

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where did you read they removed all of them

link please

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Where did you read them claiming Bli$$ard banned all of them

link please

I never said all i said a purge 110k was last count I read in forums I dont have an exact up to date number

Here is the third party bot life cycle:

  1. Create new account, make deck from purely starter cards.
  2. Have bot play many games on Ranked to gain XP
  3. Use Gold from rewards track to draft Arena deck. If the deck isn’t stupidly lucky overpowered, go back to 2.
  4. Sell account credentials on the black market for about $1 USD
  5. Customer logs into account and plays arena run.
  6. Customer discards account
  7. intermission

8. Blizzard finally responds to flags and bans account

So it might be 110k accounts banned but it’s basically zero impact. And maybe 1 in 1000 they get wrong so they just banned 100+ innocent people.