Boogie down is worst card in game now devs are braindead

rogue has had a 3m 5-3 dredge give the minion+2att weapon. and secret mage is a deck that discards cards from your hand and destroys your mana for 4 turns while playing 6-6 for free. how in anyones mind did they find it appropriate to make it a “call to arms” that you have to spend all of your mana just to be able to play less valuable minions from your deck to maybe get 3 of. the taunt doesnt matter at all its just a lazy distraction from whats actually broken rn. im done playing the game honestly its disgusting and unreasonable that they did this to this card.

Wow duplicating your thread in both forums

To be fair, the card is called Boogie Down…with a name and art like it has, was it ever a serious card to begin with? The true joke is that it’s a holy spell

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