Bog Slosher and Hearth of Vir'naal

The Combination with Bog Slosher and Hearth of Vir’naal doesn’t work anymore. The minion should get 2x(2+/2+) after I get it on my hand but it just get 2+/2+

Bog Slosher returns a minion to your hand and gives it +2/+2. Once a minion is in your hand, Bog Slosher can’t repeat its Battlecry, because the target minion is no longer on the board.

No you’re wrong
Bog slosher does his battlecry 2 times with the quest, one time “return to your hand and give it +2/+2” , next time “return to your hand (already done) and give it +2/+2”
Wherever is the minion , the +2/+2 buff should happen because of the double battlecry
So it’s a bug if it don’t buff +2/+2 two times

or they just fixed an incorrect interaction? as BrknSOul said: as you didnt return the minion the second time so it would make sense that it then dont get another +2/+2

  1. Return a friendly minion to your hand and give it +2/+2
  2. Heart of Vir’naal runs the battlecry a second time.
  3. Return a friendly minion (no target since its no longer on the board) and give it +2/+2 (still no target)

This is the second time I see this reported in a short time.

According to the Hearthstone wiki (, Bog Slosher has been observed to give +4/+4 when battlecries are doubled. So this is definitely a change.

I personally think that the old behaviour was incorrect and the change is an (undocumented) bug fix. But I do understand why people report it.

It was one of the main card of my deck with its ability to give +4/+4 so it’s definitely a change