Blizzard will never make this game fun for everyone

maybe its fun for the whales, maybe some f2p people that no life the game have “fun” playing against the same meta decks with broken interactions over and over but they will fail to ever make this game fun for a lot of people.

every time they print a newer MORE POWERFUL set of cards they kill another archetype or make someones most favorite class not viable at thing or just print more annoying or broken interactions they didn’t test full of bugs all in the name of making more money.

the monetization model sucks, all this stuff gets dumped into wild destroying the only mode that should allow people to keep playing the past decks they worked or paid for.

I uninstalled a few times but I think I am done for good, there is no fun at the end of this tunnel its just a spiral downwards to make blizzard stupid amounts of money.

they will add another monetization thing before they add a new thing players to enjoy.



not a single company is able to make any game thats fun for everyone playing it

its impossible


Blizzard just needs to make the game fun for me and only me. All you other rando’s don’t matter. I am the only person that matters is this and every universe from the beginning to the end of time. To start my hero should have 1000000000 health and everyone else has 1 and i should get a 2nd hidden 0 mana hero power to instantly destroy the opponent and a reflection bubble that bounces destroy hero effect back on the opponent so that I can play with my food using the slowest derpiest greed Priest without fear of losing. Also disable my opponent concede button I want my food to be forced to stay for my roping, slow, agonizing and unwinnable for them game.

Before you say just play the Innkeeper as that’s basically what I described but no I want to force other actual human players to sit through my BS do nothing derpy greed fest. It doesn’t count if it’s just AI that doesn’t fight back it has to be Humans that can’t fight back and have to sit and take it.


If what matters is what you play against, it is impossible to make everyone happy. Some people will want to play as something that someone else doesn’t like. If everyone holds a veto on each individual person’s fun, then zero fun will be had.

If what matters is what you play as, then good design can make a wide variety of flavors that everyone can enjoy to some degree. But there’s still not going to be equality. Some flavors will be better than others.

So I agree that Blizz will fail to make this game fun for significant chunks of people. But what you don’t seem to understand is that it was impossible to achieve in the first place. If what matters to you is what you play against, you’re in the wrong game genre. The devs are damaging this game by trying to fix the unfixable, bending over backwards in an attempt to satisfy the unsatisfiable.


Big spell mage and Jackpot rogue made me want to tear my teeth out and throw them at my screen.

I ABHOR RNG and I’ll say that moving in this direction will for sure keep me upset. I’d love to uninstall and play something else but I’ve been here for what feels like a decade and sunk cost fallacies and all that jazz.

This is a collectable card game. You must be lost.

Sweet mother of Leeroy! Why didn’t anyone redirect you earlier?

rune of the archmage is different than discover a singular card. jackpot nonsense is in the same vein.

But the nature of CCGs is that your draw order is random. The mulligan process is RNG. There is RNG literally everywhere. You are playing Random Number Generation: The Game. No, it’s worse. It’s Random Number Generation: The Game Genre.

It’s like saying you don’t drink alcohol and spending most of your time in a bar. Either you’re lying to yourself or you’re masochistic.

Listen here Boogerballs.

I understand RNG is a core component of this game. I do. Drawing, mulligans, who I queue into. All random.

Well, random enough where I can’t say with absolute certainty what will happen until I have less than 5 cards left in my deck and even then I could be wrong. My point though is that I dislike how decks and cards that focus on RNG card generation mid game have been blown way, way up.

Again, rune of the archmage is a silly card. Jackpot is a silly card. Yogg was also silly. I dislike how I can play a straight game until you pull that out. Druids playing wheel and winning games they should have lost really tilts me.

Alas, so is the game. Still hate it.

Really should tilt you less than running two of a card and not drawing a copy in your first twenty cards of the deck. There are equal and worse examples of RNG that don’t require your opponent to play any specific card. You’re being very selective with what you’re allowing yourself to dwell on.

How are there worse examples that don’t involve my opponents cards?

No good if you don’t have a scapegoat, huh?

A scapegoat? This is a 1v1 game if you forgot. I only care about what the guy across from me is doing.

run friend, and never come back. i’ll pray for you.

The game used to be more strategic and creative, mostly about tempo and minion trading.

Now decks are made rather than cards, and it’s just about throwing dice at eachother until someone lands their big combo and wins the game from an OTK, huge burst, infinite play, lucky RNG… until the next better deck lands. This is Activision not Blizzard.

This would be nice, if it’s how the game plays. However, so many decks are built around RNG, screwing up what your opponent does, and burst finishers, that you don’t get to play how you want any more.

The most oppressive decks that people mostly complain about are the ones that make the opponent feel helpless, taking away their ability to play how they want to. That’s the problem…

“Just go play Magic! Hearthstone should be it’s own simple stupid game with no counters or disruption and not learn from any of its predecessors!” They say as Mr. Smite hits you for 30 damage lethal again.

Well if you hate a lack of interactivity and counters playing a casual largely “your turn is your own” game seems ill advised. HS has never been designed to be a hardcore counter heavy experience. It’s like you’re playing checkers when you want chess.

You’re strawmanning disruption in Hearthstone. It’s not a zero disruption game.

As long as Hearthstone remains “sorcery speed” I don’t mind if there’s more disruption. But it’s the ridiculously complicated turn structure of Magic that honestly makes online Magic bad, and I don’t want to see that badness here.

If you’re bad at “real life” and can’t afford cards, why should a company give you a free pass? Life doesn’t. I suggest you get better at real life first, enjoy that, earn money, then take enjoyment from games in your free time instead of expecting everything to come to you for free.

The world owes you nothing and neither does blizzard.