Blizzard stance on botting

It’s ok, so long as they are the ones doing the botting…even though ALL botting is against the TOS.

Just like all exploits are against TOS, but they never banned their lead dev who was posting the same ones on purpose they banned streamers for doing by accident.

Or the Uyghur genocide, Hong Kong protests, or a host of other issues.

They may be real numbers…but notice they never give a picture of the estimate of bot accounts. Just like when twibberbook claimed only a small number of accounts were bots before the buyout. Then naturally it was proved a whole bunch more than their false claims were actually bots.

The issues is, actiblizz doesn’t want to admit that botting is a bigger problem than they claim it is, and that they are fueling it with their own bots). Until there is full transparency and real action against bots, this will remain an issue and a problem for the playerbase.

But don’t worry, the devs will focus on real issues: like killing modes no one wanted gone and making sure there are more mercstone bundles added to the shop!

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Unholy DK is mindless aggro.

Umm, I just googled that deck, yeah it seems to be hyper-aggro, but it also seems not worth mentioning with its’ 46% win rate xD

I don’t even remember playing against it, although I probably did but it was so weak I didn’t even notice it’s not one of the other, slower DK decks

as stated by blizzard, some of the bots are internal, they serve as a stopgap given the exodus of players and as a system to block your victories since you will never know who is on the other side, the bots, unlike the lies of the users, are not distinguishable from a human being, sometimes they wait, look at the cards… etc

Nah, man, they’re pretty obvious.

They have a constant wait time between moves and they drop 1 card per move and the difference in the difficulty of games versus such users and normal games is ridiculous

You’re telling me Blizzard is running the bots with a random string of characters for a name, that rope ever turn?

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The bots I’m being matched with (I’ve played 50 games since coming back) and haven’t played a single real person. It’s incredibly obvious that these are bots, or does the entire playerbase have random usernames and severe head injuries?

I have just come back to Hearthstone, and I have played about 50 matches now. Every single one was against the pot. I lost maybe three times, twice due to using a risky debt and getting a bad draw, and once due to conceding after I made an embarrassing mistake. I’m desperate to match with even one real person.

If they’re not distinguishable then you have no way of knowing that they exist. If your belief is not falsifiable then it’s not evidence based

They’re not indistinguishale.

There’s at least one tell - bots never hover cards over the table. They just play it.

Eh. It’s worth knowing that it’s possible to program a bot to do this. I kinda agree that most of them don’t seem to do this but there’s nothing actually preventing it.

I mean, it’s been a LONG time since I’ve played with any bot coding, I’m talking more than two decades, but even then bots had full mouse control, and I don’t see why/how that would have changed.

I guess they don’t really care about hiding the fact that they’re bots. Why would they? You might not have a proof as a human that they’re bots, but either way you feel something isn’t right.

Which we can safely assume is happening because of all these bot threads lately

I had the same experience. I popped back into hearthstone and so far I’ve played one actual person from start of month to gold 5. So what’s the point, right? All the same deck, same brainless decisions, same-ish jumble of letters or characters as a name. I honestly don’t know if that’s just how low ranks are populated to make things ‘newcomer friendly’, or if they just can’t be detected.

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I still haven’t played a real person in Standard, but in Wild at least it seems to be real people. I have to say, this has completely taken away any motivation I have to buy packs. Why get standard cards when I can’t even play Standard? (And I’m sure as hell not buying Wild packs after all the insane power creep over the years.)

if you played badly at legend you frequently ended up against blizz bots ie experimental decks, meme decks etc

regardless of how badly they played at legend they could still probably win at diamond 5 or so.

Its just the diamond 5 players complained we are playing legendary players its unfair…

They acknowledge botting. It is embraced like one of its own. It sees the decks that they run and allow them to be played with 0 adjustments required.

Pro tip.

If a bot is running certain decks. Adjust them properly. That way bots can’t abuse certain things.

Reality: There is no forethought.
Numbers of bot bans are posted. No change.

Example. Make certain cards now create a decision (pop-up) of selecting the next card you plan to use next. Prior to play. Bots who abuse certain decks won’t be able to play.