Blizzard stance on botting

Does Blizzard acknowledge the botting situation or does it state it’s fine?

I mean it’s going to change if i report the bots or not.

They acknowledge it in the same way we acknowledge climate change, yes

All the bots are Blizzard bots, I have never seen a player bot (for over 8 years), they appear in the list of recent players (yes Blizzard tries to hide their bots) except when you try to launch an invitation friend, you are disconnected from the game with an error message.

This is why they are all the same deck and always the same starting hand.

Blizzard = crook company, liar just look when they are ban leeroy, he promised not to create charge cards anymore (yes because he understood) and recently he created a legendary charge in rogue and a neutral druid card with charge and match rigged (illegal).

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Understood what?

I never understood that decision about charge minions. Isn’t it just a spell which can stick to the board if it didn’t already self destruct or give lethal?

Like, what’s the catch? What am I missing? King Crush and that warrior charge guy are still delivering lethal blows. What’s wrong with charge minions?

I guess i won’t report them then. The only thing it would do for me is bad Blizzard mojo.

Leeroy was banned because of rogue (shadowstep), the players expressed their anger and Blizzard decided to ban Leeroy by saying that he understood their mistake and that he was never going to create charge cards again.

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Ah I see, thanks for the explanation

Feels bad when you have to ban a card for all classes because of 1 class, or even worse, because of 1 class card.

Why not simply change the card in a way which forbids its usage on charge minions? It’s that simple.

Just add “cannot be used on charge minions”. It’s that easy.

The only way that Blizzard acknowledges bots is when news comes out that blizzard has banned a bunch of accounts for bot/hacks.

Other than that… as far their concerned… their game is fair.

It certainly would be nice if they actually addressed these concerns, however, in doing so, they would be openly admitting that they don’t have the ability to keep on top of these hacks/bots. So they give us the silent treatment.

Than you are not very observant.

I had a match once, where my opponent played a card, the animation showed the card like it always does than when it was done being placed on the board, it changed to a completely different card. The card wasn’t anything significant, it just changed. I was completely shocked and dumbfounded when it happened. I watched the reply and even in the replay it showed how it suddenly changed when there was no valid reason for it to change. I posted it on the bug forum.

However with that being said. Apparently Blizzard has removed their bots from ladder. When you played a blizzard bot you were unable to add them as a friend. You didn’t seem them on you friends list and the decks they played were always the same.

Bots have patterns that can be picked up on when you play enough, you start to notice them. Humans interact with the board and cards differently.

You have to explain to me why they are an identical deck and above all always the same outputs (he hacks the game to always have the same starting hand?).

Bot = blizzbot.

So when blizzard announces they banned a ton accounts for botting… they are banning their own accounts?

Come on now, you can’t be that naive.

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Invented numbers? since we have no way of verifying if he is telling the truth.

They don’t give a damn. That much is clear.

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If I was you I’d be embarassed to admit I’m playing against bots.

Why is that an issue? Why don’t you just run them over and play with humans?

Not everyone is playing mindless aggro decks. some people play decks that require more than 5 turns.

No. That’s not what they said. You are mistaken. They said that they were going to dramatically limit the use of the Charge mechanic on new cards going forward. There are very few Charge minions in Standard right now (7 by my count), and some of them actually require a trigger in order to get the Charge effect. Further, three of them are old cards that are in the Core set (King Krush, Al’Akir, and Garrosh). Seems like they’ve followed through on their intent to limit the use of the mechanic.

didnt blizz say they use bots in battlegrounds now too? Tinfoil hat theory but i mean they could have em for other modes.

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Every deck requires it now

The most aggro meta deck, Treant Druid, still has an average of 7,5 turns per game (7,3 for win, 7,7 for loss)

There is no mindless hyper aggro decks anymore. Even for Treant Druid you need to calculate when to push for tempo and when to trade for board control. Maybe the sludge warlock is close to being mindless, but I can’t say that for sure because I never played it, and unlike you, I’d rather not offend people who play it just because it’s the highest win rate deck at the moment.

You have much more room for error in highlander and control decks than with aggro decks, that’s for sure.

It’s not that Blizzard doesn’t care about bots, it’s that they don’t care enough. August through December they banned 36,000 bots per month, almost double the ban rate from a year ago, and Blizzard is probably thinking that they are doing a good job. But for a full ten years now, ever since botters ruined the Diablo 3 economy, Blizzard has been weak on bots. A decade of failure on the bot front and double the rate of failing still isn’t good enough. At some point it behooves one to recognize where they suck and make radical reforms.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself. I think it’s also the fact that even though Blizzard bans bots; the players using bots will simply make another account and go back to botting until caught again.

False numbers from liars (blizzard), strangely after a wave of bans you still encounter so many bots, strangely they are all the same deck with always the same starting hand (yet the starting hand is random), strangely when you try an invitation friend you are instantly disconnected with an error message.

Bot = blizzbot.