Blizzard banning innocent players / treating like criminals

I just had the same thing happen to me i have been had my account for over 10 years easily and not only that i have a money spending problem and have also invested easily over 1000$ into my account over the course or playing makes no sense why i would even wanna risk using a bot when if that sort of thing even did interest me i could just make a separate throw away account thats got 0 invested in it

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Have you tried not botting? Not botting would prevent you from being banned for botting.

Have you tried reading the thread? Not botting is still getting people banned…except for the company itself, of course.

Apparently, they tried and they still got banned. But hey, at least they tried.

Your seriously not as funny or cute as you think you are you moght be someone who can easily sheat but im sure not it drains every bit of fun out of a game and at that point why even play

Replace “tried” with “didn’t” and you are closer to the truth. Players bot less than actiblizz.

In life there are two approaches to any situation. You either make the best out of it or you stay stuck in the past. The choice is yours.

I would personally be grateful if they let me out of my misery. Sure there would be some initial bitterness but overall it would be a blessing in disguise. Why not take all this energy somewhere else now? Whatever it is you are capable and good enough.

Take care my friend, and remember to smile.

It’s more than being locked out of the game, and one’s account: it’s the false accusation, and outright libel that they falsely accuse you of something that you didn’t do.

Then use that as a pretext to deny you access to your account. That’s fraud.

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That sounds like something a botter would say.

The way you keep going on about how much everyone is botting…going by your logic, you must be the king of botters.

Trying to deflect by accusing me of what you’ve been doing. That’s some suspect behaviour.

Projection, the post. How defensive you get over the implication. By your logic…the grand pooh bah of botters!

See my point? Being accused of something you aren’t doing is bad enough. Now escalate it to the scummy mega corp level that actiblizz has taken to a level that apparently they believe there are medals handed out for “winning” scummiest mega corp of the year for.


Didnt bot in the first place not everyone is a cheat i mean more times then not its the ones who point the fingers and you know how i can add insult to injury and make you look terrible i finally got a real person to look at my ticket and they looked into it and guess what took 3 months but they told me i was cleared of suspicion and my account was unbanned and now you look like a tool =^.^=


Blizzard is just guessing at this point.

They can’t see past hypervisors, bots are programmed with random variance, or you could create a machine with computer vision - it doesn’t matter, they are unable to tell the difference.

Some guy is sitting there and pulls up the play time logs, then suspends/bans the top 0.1% every cycle. The only exception is going to be to filter out whales. Everyone else it doesn’t matter, they don’t care if you quit, they don’t care if they are wrong. And it doesn’t matter, then can ban you for any reason, or they can ban you for no reason.

You are not welcome, and it doesn’t matter that you did nothing wrong.


How do you know all of this?