Blizzard banning innocent players / treating like criminals

And about that I already said

And any fine print in the contract trying to justify the lack of evidence is abusive and considered null (as if it had never been written down).

It’s not because it is written down on a contract that it can overpass laws.
You can write a contract and sign it with some one about your agreement to duel eachother to death. You both agreed to fight until one of you dies. One of you will still end up in jail for murder if they kill the other, even though you both agreed and signed a contract.

I might say that i doubt banning is based off of reporting, but it still is hard to explain all of the non-bot bans.

I think that the reporting has nothing to do with the bans because those bots could easily be programmed to report certain games and actually ban real players and i don’t really think blizzard looks at them anyway. The report function is more like a placebo.

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Personally I think that Blizzard only relies on the reporting system because it is the only possible explanation for why innocent players are banned.

In the meantime, we can read the same comments here : (you have comments that speak of unjustified banning)

Blizzard fraudulent company.

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they did tell you that. They told you that as you were installing the game. They told you that as you were creating your account and they told you that as you downloaded the launcher.

They told you 3 times. BEFORE you were able to spend money. Yeah it sucks if you were nailed without reason. But the way this stuff is written theyre still being entirely fair and playing within their own rules THAT YOU AGREED TO.

Don’t forget those big parts. BEFORE, and THAT YOU AGREED TO.

And okay sure lets go ahead and say its a scam. It’s a scam that you stupidly walked into and spent several thousand dollars on.

Get gud. Get rekt. Kek. THOUSANDS. Lol man giving blizzard more than like 10 bucks over hearthstone is crazy. at least with WoW you pay for an expansion even if they screw you on a sub fee too.

IDGAF about blizz. I care more about my entertainment and watching you dance like a predictable clown lol

you> “Waaah i hate blizz”
also you> “pweeze pwotect me bwizzad” Besides that this entire issue is about someone who doesn’t read. Refuses to read. And when told what the words say gets mad about it.

every single one of us that isn’t some kinda mouth breather understands that youre in THEIR sandbox doing THEIR games. It sucks yeah, everyone knows that too.

But its how it is. Acting surprised about it and all that is weird. Because the only way you get anything back or returned or “fixed” or whatever outcome you want is by again. Playing by their rules.

Making forum posts to cry about it does literally nothing. You have a way better chance by being on twitter and directly talking to staff there. Rather than talking to obvious crybaby randall trolls like bobafett over there.

There ya go cestea. The only advice that matters and the only advice you actually received in this entire thread. Still doesnt matter though. We established that reading isnt a strong suit.

To be fair, blizzard has one of the worst support I’ve seen in game industry. I’ve witnessed it when was playing OW and during wifeleaver release their game servers started using weird routes. My ping was 300+, so I asked support, explained them it was after the patch, but they told me - its your provider. Yeah, problem that got right together with patch was fault of my provider…
So I dropped OW that time, and, surprise surprise, they solved that problem within few patches later. But I didn’t care coming back, just like many others.
They lost money, their support makes them lose money.

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yeah its trash, they respond better on twitter.

I’d say its more their stupid decisions on a macro level that lose them real money. Losing you is nothing.
Losing you and everyone exactly like you is something. Overwatch didnt die because of microtransactions. It died because of the stupid stupid stupid things they decided to do with/about it.

I didn’t mean just me. I meant that I was not the only one who had that problem and people like me just quit playing. They lost playerbase and money income with that.
I’m not the one who easily trust those “i got banned for nothing”, but I also know that if you get banned for a mistake there are 0 chance their support helps you

yeah the “Banned for nothing” crowd usually ends up being the “im gonna try and stir up a mob because I think Im important enough to hide my wrongdoings and force the companies hand”

They arent slick. Theyre quite the opposite lol.

Yeah id agree with you if it wasnt for the fact that the data youre talking about isn’t available to us. Only your experience is. But its safe to assume that there are people out there like you right? So yeah im sure they lost some people like yourself when that happened. No doubt.

I just dont think its as impactful as you believe it is

A player who cheats or bots will complain about a ban?

No answer given that he knew he risked being banned and the companies that sell accounts (he doesn’t care because a banned account is very quickly replaced).

We will see how you feel when they ban you for something you have NEVER done. When you whine about the injustice of it we will be sure to play back this message to you.

We are talking about this because they are banning innocent players which means it can happen to anyone. I have been playing since Beta and have never once showed an interest in Legend status, but suddenly I am running bots and cheating. People that cheat try to win. I have spent the last 20 years accumulating achievements and doign other things and have never tried laddering or find enjoyment in it. If I can be banned for bots ANYONE can be banned.

He’s a fanboy, he will defend Blizzard whatever happens, he is at a level of fanaticism that we could say is on the order of psychiatry.

They are even aware of the x reporting system > deletion of the message or ban depending on the category of the report (same system as in game), I even think that he has several accounts for report.

It is time for Microsoft to act and ban fanboys because they do not respect the code of conduct, even worse given that they are permanently banned from players on the forum (players who defended themselves against their provocation).

I glance over the title every time this gets bumped and it always gives me a laugh.
The treating like criminals part is comedy gold.

reset your password.

I’m one of those innocent

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We will remember that when you get banned.

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It’s just a funny title. Why did you take offense?

If they choose to exercise a clause of the contract that is a result of your alleged breach of said contract, your ability to learn more is in the form of Arbitration. To contest their decision making and in discovery you’d be given all the evidence they intend to bring to arbitration so your lawyer would be able to determine at that point if you have a case anymore or not.

just the same as any other time someone exercises a termination clause or breach of contract clause. You context them in the courts. Or in this case, at the Arbitration hearing. It costs money to go that route typically, you must file the arbitration suit in the venue they chose, and pay for that just as you would any other filing cost in regular courts. You wouldnt want to go in representing yourself without a lawyer, so you are at a minimum looking at 2.2 to 2.5k in USD. just to get started.

If its worth that much to you, then go ahead. If the cost is a hurdle not worth getting over, thats kinda the point.

Yeah, it’s probably cheaper to just make a new account and buy packs to catch up.

Yup. Thats always been the point of the ToS we click “I agree” to for any software license we;ve ever downloaded along with software (or even came bundled with plug n play hardware). Even drivers typically have the same license agreements.

Its why we dont own any of the cards we’ve “bought” in this game. We only own a license to use the cards in our collections. The owner always remains the company issuing the licenses to us. We just get to play with them under the guise of them being our cards, our collections, but they really arent. Example: if the game were to be shut down and taken off the servers, there is no way to go “oh well, ill take my cards to a private server of my own” even if you wanted to and had the knowhow to make a private HS server. You dont own any of the cards. Even if you just wanted to view them, not even play them, just looking at them, if the powers that be ended the game and the servers and there lacked any method to see them anymore, there would be no recourse no matter how much money the whales spent. take screenshots of the good times lol, thats the only tangible thing you can claim as your own.