Blizzard banning innocent players / treating like criminals

Blizzard is banning players that have NEVER run bots but say they have evidence that demonstrates that they have run bots. Telling them you have NEVER run a bot just falls on deaf ears. They will not tell players what this so-called evidence is.

Everyone that plays Blizzard knows the communication system is extremely toxic and borderline abusive. Some players suggest they are banning people based on negative reporting. As someone that has played this game since Beta this is obviously going to add up to a lot of reports considering how toxic the game is. People misuse the reporting system all the time.

Blizzard has banned innocent players who have been playing this game for years and years. Everything I earned I did on my own and have NEVER used a bot. This is borderline criminal. If people have done something wrong they can’t even correct their behavior because Blizzard won’t share any details about what it was they did wrong.


You’ve posted this spam before.

What exactly would you like us to do about it?

(Assuming, of course, that we believe you.)


The reason for that should be quite obvious… then the people that are actually making the bot software will be able to learn exactly what detected their software and could adapt if all it took was to ask for evidence. Its a pretty good idea not to release that info to the public, even if you are indeed innocent, any info that they’d release to you , chances are you’d make it public. Thus giving the bot makers detection info all the same.


Taking this at face value, because your name seems vaguely familiar, like we MAY have been paired once or twice…

A longer version of my thoughts than the comment in the other thread…
I don’t know exactly how many reports for botting it takes to have an account banned, but I doubt it’s 1. That said, there is an overabundance of players complaining that their opponent “looked like a bot”, offering at best weak arguments (if any) as to why they feel this was the case. And add to that, vindictive players who attribute every loss to “my opponent cheated” exist in every game ever made. It wouldn’t shock me if you were the victim here. The problem is, how to prove/disprove it.

What was the EXACT wording of the message you received from Blizzard, and how was it delivered?

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Sadly, this is also true.

But why would they do that? :disappointed_relieved:

They claimed I was a bot and I have NEVER botted. They said the evidence proved it, but that is impossible since I have never botted.

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As much as I understand that, I always wondered how it stands on a legal point of view.
You sign a contract with the provider of a software to use said software.
They can end the contract if they claim you violated a clause, but they don’t have to provide any proof of that.
And I don’t understand how that works. On a daly basis, when a contract gets terminated because of a clause violation, a proof has to be provided. Otherwise the closure of the contract is illegal. And any fine print in the contract trying to justify the lack of evidence is abusive and considered null (as if it had never been written down).

I’m not aware of how that works for every type of contract, and especially less on how it works in different countries but yeah, I’m really curious what it is with video games that allows them to work a different way.

Edit : I remember talking about that with law-affiliated entities of my country and they informed me that in such case, you have to be given a notice several days (I think it was 2 weeks) before the closure of your account to have time to ask for or contest what you are accused of



Account: Hearthstone

Account Action: Account Closure
Offense: Automation of Gameplay (also known as bots)

This activity provides benefits not normally achievable in the game and detracts from the integrity of other players’ experience and the Hearthstone game environment.

The account holder is responsible for all activity on the account. We issue suspensions and closures to protect our players and our service in accordance with our Blizzard EULA:

We don’t take this decision lightly. Our team issued this closure only after a careful review of relevant evidence. Our support staff will not overturn these closures and may not respond to appeals. For information, see our article:

Thank you for your time and understanding in this matter.


Customer Service
Blizzard Entertainment

And you posted this kind of trolling countless times.

If anyone bothered reading the posts of people who come to the forums with various issues (instead of just hopping in to flame and harass them), the cms tell people to “post on the forums” in the (laughable) hope a dev will read and notice or respond.

Apparently, knowingly or unknowingly of the fact that the devs abandoned this place before the pandemic, and they removed the “dev tracker” to make that fact less obvious.

Except they made a big deal about their anticheat software for cod, and posted all about how they were catching bots with it. It doesn’t wash.

The simple fact is, the company isn’t banning bots and needed to start finding other ways to hang that “mission accomplished” banner we can all see through.

Because the botters are apparently paying more than the people they are banning.


Maybe because if they ban players who have NEVER run bots than it can happen to anyone. Maybe you will be next on their ban hammer campaign because clearly their detection system is faulty.


Blizzard has no bot detection software because if that were the case you wouldn’t have innocent players banned, you’ll have to explain to me how Blizzard detects bot software on a player who doesn’t use it.

The truth is that their ban system relies solely on player reports.

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I dont have to explain anything at all. And the TOS we signed to install their games had terms to that effect as well i assume. Good luck in the future tho.

something to do with proprietary info that could damage the integrity of their product or services can allow them to privilege that kind of data. thats my assumption / conjecture

I have no idea what their so called detection system is, as they don’t share their so called evidence, but it is obviously flawed. As they wrote me in their most recent ticket they claim I was botting and the evidence is irrefutable. They said their evidence came from their detection system.

Also if they base it on player reporting that mean anyone could get banned because the reporting system is as toxic as their communication system.

Quote - “Your account has been permanently closed due to a breach of our Hearthstone policies. Following a review of your case, we can confirm that the evidence presented via our detection process was correct and the subsequent action taken was appropriate.”

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To ban you need valid reasons such as cheating, bot or intolerable comments.

You don’t ban someone for no reason, only rogue companies behave like a player who pre-purchases an expansion and then gets banned without any refund.

Especially since you too can find yourself banned for no reason.

You can say whatever you want but Blizzard is a crook.

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is called following the rules

and going by what i read on this thread you guys are claming they ban people who didnt bot on purpose and not because of false positives which is asinine they have no reason to do that


This matter will grow because in the next waves of bans, you will have other innocent players banned (it could very well be your turn) and when all the players know that Blizzard bans innocent people for no reason, who will have want to spend $$$ knowing that it can be banned (you have to be crazy to spend money on a game or you can be banned at any time for no reason).

Blizzard is shooting itself in the foot.


thats right, and part of that contract is usually “We can terminate your licence at any time for any reason and we do not have to disclose why because we own this and youre just here renting and enjoying our stuff”

This has been this way for a while now.

Tell that to an innocent banned player who spent several thousand dollars.

It’s a scam.