BGs and crap phones

I have a crap phone.
When lunar event came up, I was given the quest for winning 30 rounds.
Because of a number of factors, BGs are a lag slideshow for me. The majority of the time, I cannot select a card in the tavern regardless of how long I press and hold it. I have no idea what is happening during rounds because I just see cards disintegrate in a jerky fashion. I often enter a BG with no minions.
Could you make BG quests changeable? Or maybe even better have a graphics slider for particle effects?
Hearthstone is a lot of fun, and I look foreward to playing it. BGs are unplayable and miserable for me. I have had this BG event locking up a quest slot for three days and haven’t succeeded. They have become a requirement of irritation.

Thank you,

  • Brim
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At the very least, not punish people so hard for rerolling. The hit you take for switching is insane.

OP, you are asking the developers to do something that is physically impossible. They can’t make a game function on hardware that can’t support it. If you want to play games on your phone, don’t buy a crap phone.

Buy a computer. I’m sick to death of waiting for you and your ilk to play your turn.

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I will, but then I will be playing BGs in WoW back to back. :slight_smile:

No need to buy a flagship phone, any modern midrange phone should play HS fine (eg: I have a Galaxy A52s)

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