[BG] This patch made me decide to quit, GG blizzard

My post title was more along the lines of a clickbait.
That I quit is seconday, noone will care much, primary is the points I make about the state of BG.
But I do want Blizzard to know they lost a player and why

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They’ve made 1 single post about quitting, the rest are all posts about balance. They have not posted monthy about quitting, they’ve posted ONCE about quitting, a single time. And the reason behind the post is clearly to point out the various flaws within BG rather than them actually quitting. Did you read the actual post or just the title?

You’re complaining about a mode in HS, OP is also complaining about a mode in HS. You just do it much more. Also your ‘interesting character’ post is literally just attention seeking.

If you cannot see the irony and hypocrisy in this then you are either very ignorant or a troll.


yeah ok mr 4 posts, you’re right, i’m evil

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Thanks for admitting it
: )

Also it is Mr. 5 posts now

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You “quit” because you were already getting bored of the game, patch had nothing to do with it

I don’t understand why you’re so triggered by another samey instance of “new launch is a rocky ride” when every other one has been the exact same way.

Yeah it’s one thing when a tribe is OP for the first week, but another when it’s still the strongest tribe after the supposed “nerf”. I’ve had golden Brann’s with Murlocs and still get outscaled by Naga’s. I just try to force them every game now.

Well maybe they should pay attention to their game then, and bring Floating Watcher back.

But why every patch has to be so imbalanced for weeks every time a new tribe or mechanic is added ?
Shouldn’t they have the tools and enough data after all these years to avoid these problems ?

I can understand the people getting bored of seeing the same s***fest happening for each new patch.
“It’s new” isn’t a good excuse anymore.