BG: Tess and Curator

So… I’m baffled by what the designers intend here. Is the intention that Tess gets TWO hero powers by virtue of facing Curator in the first round?

Against Rafaam there is scope for counterplay, and it’s a big part of playing Curator vs Rafaam in the first couple of rounds. But there’s zero counterplay vs Tess.

Just seems broken to me.

For Tess to get curators minion she would have to refresh’s the tavern and than spend 3 on buying it when norm you want to be ranking up the tavern turn 2.

Vs curator that just gets it as a minion.

It’s no where near the same to get a minion for free and have to spend 4 gold for it. Thou yes curator gives up his hero power for the rest of the game for an in effect 3 gold lead of the start with a good minion. Tess dosent give up the hero power but pays extra to get it.

Dosent Sean that bad to me but Tess I can see a lot of other issues with her as it lets her rather predictably get minions. Like curators case can get 3 of his minion rather easy if you face him enough and make a gold getting another a tier higher than the tavern as a bonus. Or more importantly the minions people tend to all want she can grab easy as many players likly have getting golds of them far easier as don’t need to worry about the amount left in the tavern.

As such if talking about Tess I don’t think the issue is stealing curators minion that is just a early abomination that she still needs to pay for anyways but the abilty to get good minions in the tavern often.

Will have to see how it pans out thou.

Can verify tess is way better than curator and stealing amal is super fun.

Just played an entire game with Tess and pressed hero power exactly once. Only two others went murlocs and didn’t play them at all. So I guess there is a drawback to the hero power.

I guess it depends. For me if I was playing murlocs and in my case most the time I can’t roll into Bran. So being able to just hero power and get a Bran from my opponent is huge.

Well early reports on hsreplay say tess is absolute garbage poo. Kinda surprised.