BG Nerf You Desire the Most

BG players, I see many threads of those people wanting many things nerfed. And what nerfs do you want in BG, write your ideas below!

why, so you can troll and argue with people? lol - i’m reporting this post based on your past post history this thread won’t end up going well.

No, just trying to see how people want nerfs, collecting data for future arguments LOL.

okay, i apologize then.

I just want cobalt guardian back .

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Hooktusk. It’s insane he hasn’t been nerfed yet. You can let your cat push random buttons on your computer for you and you’d still end up top 4 with that hero.


are you being serious or sarcastic i can not tell.

Ironically cats are how you win with hooky and hooky is a woman not a man. Hooky secret is get gold cats or tides (its so easy to gold tier 1 units with her) or wrathweaver and then just go for floaty watcher and goldgrubbs in tier 4 and crush everyone. Only god murlocs can stop you. Any tier 4 triples can then becomes a discover chance into tier 4 giving you more floaty and goldgrubs. Eventually you can goto 5 and then place the tier 5 demons to buff your wrathie and then transform them into more floaty and more goldgrubs. Its a sick strategy and you get top 4 like you say everygame. Gold Goldgrubs in this build is utterly redic getting +16/+16 easy per turn. Nobody can match that but murlocs. This strategy is so potent and she is so potent in general she has to be getting nerfed soon. Her and eudora as she is op as well.

I have a suggestion, why not make Hooktusk not able to remove Tier one minions, completely remove early game abilities. And Eudora need three dig and HP cost two gold?

I gotta say the only thing I want it to remove or nerfed. Arcane Cannon. Pirates is just fine met with murloc divine shield.

Top thing needs change is summoned minion deal 0 damage.

Top card needs nerf is The Tide Razor.

Definitely the Tide Razor really needs a nerf.

Emm, another Rat Pack and Tide Razor hater. I bet the Tide Razor needs a rework because you can get it from Ghastcoiler, make it like Imp Mama whenever it takes damage summon a Pirate to attack immediately would be good.

Things that pop out of things should count as tokens for damage. Looking at you, Boat.


I would like to see the damage from minions spawned in combat capped by the tier of the minion that spawned them originally.

So if you bring rats, they do two damage max even if you make seven.

You can’t have a situation where ghast plus baron spawns four imp mama that spawn a couple voidlord and six damage turns into eleventy billion and gg. Regardless of what death rattle spawned a death rattle spawned three death rattle goes on, it all traces back to one minion and that’s the damage cap.

Also, I would like to see gold minions do damage a tier higher. So a T3 minon that is gold does 4 damage.

K, I will make a thread to purpose to use Scalelord to replace Megasaur.

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Arcane cannon needs to go or cap it at 1 shot for 3 damage in gold form.

I legit had someone have 1 golden Baron, 3 (1 gold and 2 normal) khadgars 2 of the Pirates that spawn 1/1 rush minions. So positioned correctly, he attacked and spawned (i dont know) and endless amount of 1/1 tokens with rush. In between those…Arcane cannon. If i hadn’t attacked first and took out his cannon, I would’ve lost. He still went through 4 minions and his turn took about 2mins to complete before I got to my 2nd attack.

arcane cannon and red dragon whelp need to go.

This might be a viable answer, actually.

Idk if scale is strong enough to be T6 or not, but eliminating poison everything in one turn from one card AND divine shield everything in the same turn is good start to making other classes have win conditions when murlocs are in the lobby.

Yeah there is no reason he should be a zero mana hero power, you even get to discover the minion it’s not even completely random.