Battlground bug(?) with zapp slywyck atack(tfrench translation wrong)

hi evry body, juste to report s/omthing look for me like a bug, in the battleground they are minion Zapp slywyck its have windfurryand in the card it’s writen “this minion Always atack the minon with the LOWEST Heath point” or somthing like that, (sorry have the game in french) but i noticed sevral time it’s not atacking the lowest one, in the last game i had 4 rats 4/1 on board but this minion atacked in first a 3/3 minon, could you corect this or explain me in what it’s not a bug thank you and sorry for my bad English

HI again pepol , i looked to tyhe card zapp slywyck in English site, and the thing is bad translation in French you translated “lowest atack” by “PV les plus bas” its’s bad translation, in french taht mean (atack the minon with lowest HEALT POINT) but IN real ZApp atack the LOWEST ATCK POINT, you have to corect the translation in french please

Merci pour l’info. Il existe un forum spécialement pour les erreurs de traductions, je vous suggère de poster un billet là bas pour être sûr qu’il soit vu par les bonnes personnes:

ok merci, je met ca dessu tout de suite