Hello, i was hoping dev’s could think about how difficult it is for players who’s not a veteran to even have time to know what they are looking at.
maby I was able to se the stat (damage/heath) on minions without have to hold mouse over, and then see what I’m looking at, would help to recognize minions. And a few more secound would help to have time to make decisions.
No need to hate on this, i think most of you understand that without being a veteran its almost impossible to hang on.
I really like the battlegrounds gamemode and its a shame Im not able to have fun with it.
So, maby there could be 2 difficult’s that allow people who want to play but cant hang on with how it is now can also play, without ruing the game for those who’s not new to battlegrounds. I hope dev’s will have that in mind for later change’s.
I will be gratefull for tips on battlegrounds, as said I really like this mode and want to be able to have fun with it.
You care, enough to answear nonsense here. And enough to read a post about battlegrounds.
So it cant be That hard to undersand… Just saying, since you desided to trash this post where im simply sharing one indea and asking for tips.
#1 don’t respond to trolls. It makes them think people care.
#2. You are right. It is difficult at first. But like every veteran, they all started as rookies too.
If you are a PC/Android player, I would suggest the deck tracker from HSReplay or something similar. It shows you what minions are available at each tier and can help you make decisions on what to look for, while the battle phase is happening even.
Beyond that just keep playing. Nothing is a better teacher than experience. Chalk up your losses to learning and not failure. Eventually the tides turn and you suddenly find yourself winning more and more.
The deck tracker has some use(for future turns, e.g.), it however doesn’t help much with recognizing things under time pressure. Looking at all the current minions in the game without any stress will probably help a lot more with that, so i think Avondale’s advice is on point there.
Another thing that can help with your time management, is figuring out as early as possible how many tavern refreshes you’re going to use. If you take all the time in the world on the first selection, but then only have a couple seconds left for multiple refreshes+purchasing another minion, you’ll likely make bad decisions as you won’t have time. So, figuring your refreshes out early can make it much easier to dedicate the correct amount of time for every batch of minions that you’re offered that turn.
If you’re not aware of it yet, it can be useful to understand that playstyles/builds can usually be categorized as : Divine Shield, Deathrattle(baron rivendare specific), or as one of the 5 Tribes(Dragon etc). Most tavern and in-battle buffs are based on these. Knowing this will make it easier to realize what synergies/builds you’re likely going to be moving into, which can save time during your minion selection as you have goals.
If you’re looking for more than just tips on dealing with time, i’ve just started offering Battlegrounds teaching on this forum, so if you’re interested go check that out here Offering Battlegrounds help to beginners