Battlegrounds Quilboar

Just wondering if quilboar is gona get a nerf anytime soon they win 90% of the games it seems.
The only matches they dont win is when they are not in the minion rotation most games you have 4 or 5 players building them and that leaves none in the tavern but yet they still dominate

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Yea, nope. They don’t make balancing changes or improvements. Just golden roll like everyone else that wins.

Are you suggesting that the person who lucks into a pokey super early should not automatically win first place? Is pokey not the entire game?

variation is key. The worst is seeing someone with a menagerie build, that included some busted quillboars, win. Incredibly frustrating. Esoecially when you think you’ve got a decent team going. Next opponent is the tryhard min/maxer with 5 health and a board full of quillboars with triple digit health you have no hope beating.

not much the quillboars but i’m tired of players power levelling to tier 6 while having a full board that has insane health and attack power.

6000mmr is making me very angry.

bro, I aint even above 2000 at this point and I’m always seeing quillboars. I really wish there was a proper casual mode for BGs that looked at your accounts history to determine if you’ve intentionally tanked your ranking just to steamroll some low raningplayers for the lulz. It feels like this at the moment. It feels like everyone in teh lobbies I get into shouldbe at a higher rank. Perfect placement, perfect choices and usually sub 10 health with no chance of beating what they have.

there are times I’ll see a quillboard board, but i’m seeing a bunch of variety boards.

But it feels like everything that worked pre 6000 mmr is pretty much out the window, which is frustrating.

The average Battlegrounds player is about 6000 rating. And the way rating works is you start at 0 and it adjusts you upward until facing more difficult opponents normalizes your winrate towards 50%. So it feels like most of the players in your lobbies should be at a higher rank because most of the players in your lobbies should be at a higher rank. No deliberate tanking necessary, just people who just started playing.

I think Quillboar are much MUCH more OP at lower ranks because there the game is slower and damage per loss is lower. Slower meta means easier to get to Pokey then stabilize. Above 7000 the lobby will not just let you power level to Tier 6, they will deal massive damage to you if you level too aggressively and the turn after you get a lucky early Pokey you’ll take 15 for lethal and go 8th. Stronger early boards crush slower strategies and although Quillboars are still the endgame kings at high MMR it’s just so much harder to survive until endgame in the first place.