Battlegrounds heroes

So I noticed that there’s a lot of heroes that specific certain minion types. The Milicent Manastorm and mechs, Jaraxxus and demons, Ysera and dragons, etc.

However, I did notice that one type didn’t have a specific hero: Beast. There is no hero that specifically targets beast types either by boosting their stats like Milicent and Jaraxxus or by making sure you can draw at least one per round like Ysera and Patches.

Why is that?

I think The Rat King has a “beast” hero power.

You know, every so often your beast gets 2+/2+.

Eh, The Rat King doesn’t target beasts specifically though. It targets all types. I mean, even elementals, who were introduced late to the game, have a hero specifically for them: Chenvaala.

Beasts seem rather sidelined as it is. They definitely need a hero to empower them but Big Mama and Goldrinn can become major problems for the late game. They’ve had to make adjustments for them already. I think Big Mama used to be a 6 tier minion.

Yeah, they switched goldrinn and big mama around.

The original King Mukla was beast focussed if I remember correctly, he used to give a banana whenever you bought a beast. But I think he was so bad that he got taken out of the pool eventually and reworked as we know him now, but even now he’s still pretty bad lol

I also agree that the Beast tribe needs some love, once in a blue moon you see the endgame super hydra comp. But that rarely happens. Other than that, Beasts just don’t scale well at all, and you are super reliant it seems on not having bad luck with your token spawns.

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From what I found, originally it was kinda like Flurgl as when you sold a beast, you got a banana, then they changed it to bought a beast.

As for recent beast strategies, most of the time it’s been the golden monster macaw/Baron Rivendare/Goldrinn combo. Pumps beasts up like crazy.

Meanwhile, dragons have two heroes, ysera and alex

Greybough is a psuedo Beast hero, in the sense that Deathrattle effects are so central to Beast composition, and a lot of them are token spawning.

Eh, Greybough is more of a mech hero from what I’ve seen and played.