Battlegrounds Bug with new quest 'Discover a Buddy'

Went against a ghost who had picked ‘At the start of your turn, discover a buddy.’

It showed that the ghost had to pick a card, and when the internal timer was done (aka, everyone else had not only finished battle, but also took their round in the tavern) battle finally begun. Right after that battle it threw me into my next battle (I didn’t get to shop/take my turn in the tavern) and got killed by my next opponent.

Basically Blizzard needs to change that quest or make it so that it doesn’t activate once that player has been eliminated.

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Similar issue. Battle grounds got stuck on the opponent choosing from 3 cards and does not refresh. I have screen shots if useful.

Bug here too.
Nothing stuck but just 0 discovery.
Doing quest for 0 reward. Good game.

I can’t discover a buddy either. Great!

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I also couldn’t discover a buddy from the quest. Please fix !!!